.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _field_type_flexform_sheet: Sheet ===== :yaml:`type: Sheet` Sheets are used to further group FlexForm fields into separate tabs. Note that you need at least 2 Sheets for a tab navigation to appear in the backend. This is purely cosmetical and, like Palettes and Tabs, has no effect on frontend rendering. .. warning:: Due to the fact that FlexForm is stored as XML in the database, changing the Sheet identifiers (or moving fields into other Sheets) retrospectively is destructive. You will lose your data. Settings -------- .. confval:: identifier :name: sheet-identifier :Required: true :Type: string A unique identifier .. confval:: label :name: sheet-label :Required: false :Type: string Define a label. If not defined, :yaml:`identifier` is used as fallback. .. confval:: description :name: sheet-description :Required: false :Type: string Define a description. .. confval:: linkTitle :name: sheet-linkTitle :Required: false :Type: string The link title is displayed when hovering over the tab. Example: .. code-block:: yaml name: example/flex fields: - identifier: my_flexform type: FlexForm fields: - identifier: sheet1 type: Sheet label: Sheet 1 description: Description for Sheet 1 linkTitle: Link title for Sheet 1 fields: - identifier: header type: Text - identifier: sheet2 type: Sheet label: Sheet 2 fields: - identifier: link type: Link Labels ------ XLF translation keys for Sheets have the following convention: .. code-block:: xml Label for Sheet Description for Sheet Link title for Sheet