.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _notification-email: Email notification ================== General configuration --------------------- The title can be an arbitrary label that will be used to identify the notification in the TYPO3 backend. A full description can also be added if needed. .. figure:: /Images/04-Notification/Email/notification-email-general.png :alt: Email tab general Event ----- On this tab, an event must be selected among the ones available. .. note:: Some events might have a custom configuration. For instance, the event “TYPO3 > Scheduler task was executed” allows to select which specific task will fire the event. .. figure:: /Images/04-Notification/Email/notification-email-event.png :alt: Email tab event Channel ------- The mailer that will do the actual sending must be selected. .. note:: TYPO3 comes out of the box with a basic mailer, custom implementations may be added in the future. .. figure:: /Images/04-Notification/Email/notification-email-channel.png :alt: Email tab channel Email content ------------- .. _notification-email-layout: Layout '''''' A layout must be chosen for this email. This can be a custom one: .. code-block:: typoscript notiz { notifications { entityEmail { settings { view { layouts { myLayout { label = My custom layout path = Html/MyLayout } } layoutRootPaths.50 = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Layouts/Mail/ templateRootPaths.50 = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Templates/Mail/ partialRootPaths.50 = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Partials/Mail/ } } } } } .. code-block:: html :caption: ``EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Layouts/Mail/Html/MyLayout.html``
.. figure:: /Images/04-Notification/Email/notification-email-layout.png :alt: Email layout Subject and body '''''''''''''''' On this tab, the mail subject and body can be configured. .. hint:: These fields can use markers that will be replaced by dynamic values before the email is sent. See chapter “:ref:`events-property-marker`” for more information. .. hint:: The body may be customized for complex emails. See the chapters “:ref:`notification-email-dynamicBody`” and “:ref:`notification-email-dynamicSlots`” for more information. .. figure:: /Images/04-Notification/Email/notification-email-configuration.png :alt: Email tab configuration .. _notification-email-recipients: Recipients ---------- As many emails as needed can be added, for each type of recipient. Email addresses can be written in two different formats: - Without the name: ``john@example.com`` - With the name: ``John Smith `` .. hint:: Some events provide dynamic recipient emails. For instance, a contact form asking for the user's email address can provide it as a recipient "User that filled the form". See chapter “:ref:`events-property-email`” for more information. Global recipients ''''''''''''''''' Global recipients can also be defined and will be available in any email notification; a good use-case is adding an administrator address as a global recipient. They can be configured in the definition at the path: ``notiz.notifications.entityEmail.settings.globalRecipients``. .. figure:: /Images/04-Notification/Email/notification-email-recipients.png :alt: Email tab recipients Sender ------ The default sender is configurable in the definition at the path: ``notiz.notifications.entityEmail.settings.defaultSender``. It can also be overwritten in any notification entry. .. figure:: /Images/04-Notification/Email/notification-email-sender.png :alt: Email tab sender More ---- More aspect regarding emails can be found below: .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :glob: *