.. include:: ../../Includes.txt ========= Functions ========= .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 dump ==== .. code-block:: twig {{ dump(vars) }} Displays the content of the variable(s) on the screen. The :code:`dump()` functions prints the contents of a variable. This is useful for debugging. Please ensure that the frontend debug mode is on, because otherwise the function does not print anything. Internally :code:`DebuggerUtility::var_dump()` is used. .. code-block:: twig {# print a single variable #} {{ dump(foo) }} {# print multiple variables #} {{ dump(foo, bar, baz) }} {# print all variables #} {{ dump() }} Arguments --------- .. rst-class:: dl-parameters vars :aspect:`Type:` :code:`mixed` Any number of variables. t3_cobject ========== .. code-block:: twig {{ t3_cobject( typoScriptObjectPath, data = null, currentValueKey = null, table = null ) }} Renders a TypoScript object. The content object renderer can be populated using the data argument. Arguments --------- .. rst-class:: dl-parameters typoScriptObjectPath :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` data :aspect:`Type:` :code:`mixed` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` currentValueKey :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` table :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` t3_form_render ============== .. code-block:: twig {{ t3_form_render( persistenceIdentifier = null, factoryClass = 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Factory\\ArrayFormFactory', prototypeName = null, overrideConfiguration = [] ) }} Renders a form using the `form framework `__. Arguments --------- .. rst-class:: dl-parameters persistenceIdentifier :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` The identifier of the form, if a YAML file is used. If :code:`null`, then a Factory class needs to be set. factoryClass :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`'TYPO3\\CMS\\Form\\Domain\\Factory\\ArrayFormFactory'` the fully qualified class name of the factory prototypeName :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` name of the prototype to use overrideConfiguration :aspect:`Type:` :code:`array` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`[]` Factory specific configuration. This will allow to add additional configuration related to the current view. t3_uri_action ============= .. code-block:: twig {{ t3_uri_action( action, arguments = [], controller = null, extensionName = null, pluginName = null, pageUid = null, pageType = 0, noCache = false, section = '', format = '', linkAccessRestrictedPages = false, additionalParams = [], absolute = false, addQueryString = false, argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString = [], addQueryStringMethod = '' ) }} Arguments --------- .. rst-class:: dl-parameters action :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` arguments :aspect:`Type:` :code:`array` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`[]` controller :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` extensionName :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` pluginName :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` pageUid :aspect:`Type:` :code:`int` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` pageType :aspect:`Type:` :code:`int` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`0` noCache :aspect:`Type:` :code:`bool` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`false` section :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`''` format :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`''` linkAccessRestrictedPages :aspect:`Type:` :code:`bool` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`false` additionalParams :aspect:`Type:` :code:`array` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`[]` absolute :aspect:`Type:` :code:`bool` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`false` addQueryString :aspect:`Type:` :code:`bool` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`false` argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString :aspect:`Type:` :code:`array` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`[]` addQueryStringMethod :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`''` t3_uri_image ============ .. code-block:: twig {{ t3_uri_image( src = null, treatIdAsReference = false, image = null, crop = null, cropVariant = 'default', width = '', height = '', minWidth = 0, minHeight = 0, maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0, absolute = false ) }} Returns the URL to the given image. If an error occurs, then :code:`null` is returned and no error is raised. Arguments --------- .. rst-class:: dl-parameters src :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` treatIdAsReference :aspect:`Type:` :code:`bool` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`false` image :aspect:`Type:` :code:`mixed` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` the image can be a reference or an instance of :code:`FileInterface` or :code:`FileReference` crop :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` the JSON-formatted crop settings cropVariant :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`'default'` width :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`''` height :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`''` minWidth :aspect:`Type:` :code:`int` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`0` minHeight :aspect:`Type:` :code:`int` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`0` maxWidth :aspect:`Type:` :code:`int` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`0` maxHeight :aspect:`Type:` :code:`int` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`0` absolute :aspect:`Type:` :code:`bool` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`false` t3_uri_model ============ .. code-block:: twig {{ t3_uri_model(model) }} Generates a link fro the given domain model. A `link handler `__ must be configured for the mapped table. Arguments --------- .. rst-class:: dl-parameters model :aspect:`Type:` :code:`TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\DomainObjectInterface` t3_uri_page =========== .. code-block:: twig {{ t3_uri_page( pageUid = null, additionalParams = [], pageType = 0, noCache = false, section = '', linkAccessRestrictedPages = false, absolute = false, addQueryString = false, argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString = [], addQueryStringMethod = '' ) }} Arguments --------- .. rst-class:: dl-parameters pageUid :aspect:`Type:` :code:`int` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`null` additionalParams :aspect:`Type:` :code:`array` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`[]` pageType :aspect:`Type:` :code:`int` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`0` noCache :aspect:`Type:` :code:`bool` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`false` section :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`''` linkAccessRestrictedPages :aspect:`Type:` :code:`bool` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`false` absolute :aspect:`Type:` :code:`bool` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`false` addQueryString :aspect:`Type:` :code:`bool` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`false` argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString :aspect:`Type:` :code:`array` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`[]` addQueryStringMethod :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`''` t3_uri_record ============= .. code-block:: twig {{ t3_uri_record(table, recordUid) }} Generates a link for the given record. A `link handler `__ must be configured for the mapped table. Arguments --------- .. rst-class:: dl-parameters table :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` the table of the record recordUid :aspect:`Type:` :code:`int` the UID of the record t3_uri_typolink =============== .. code-block:: twig {{ t3_uri_typolink(parameter, additionalParams = []) }} Arguments --------- .. rst-class:: dl-parameters parameter :aspect:`Type:` :code:`string` additionalParams :aspect:`Type:` :code:`array` :sep:`|` :aspect:`Default:` :code:`[]`