1.1.6 ===== Breaking -------- Nothing Features -------- Nothing Fixes ----- * Do not break Symfony Expression Language in case no user agent is provided. Some requests might ommit the user agent header. The default configuration for tracking pageviews would result in an error raised from Symfony Expression Language. This got fixed as the existence is checked first, before comparing against agents that should not be tracked. You should check your own rules if you defined any, see: :ref:`pageview` as well as :ref:`recordview`. The raised error looks like this on my own website: Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Argument 2 passed to Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node\BinaryNode::evaluateMatches() must be of the type string, null given, called in vendor/symfony/expression-language/Node/BinaryNode.php on line 167 | TypeError thrown in file vendor/symfony/expression-language/Node/BinaryNode.php in line 176. Requested URL: https://daniel-siepmann.localhost/ Tasks ----- Nothing Deprecation ----------- Nothing