.. php:namespace:: DanielSiepmann\Tracking\Dashboard\Provider .. program:: DanielSiepmann\Tracking\Dashboard\Provider\PageviewsPerDay .. _pageviewsperday: =============== PageviewsPerDay =============== Provides the total page calls on the last x days. This way editors can see how many total requests were made at specific dates. Example ======= .. figure:: /Images/Widgets/PageviewsPerDay.png :align: center Default widget configuration. :file:`Configuration/Services.yaml`:: services: _defaults: autowire: true autoconfigure: true public: false DanielSiepmann\Tracking\Dashboard\Provider\PageviewsPerDay: arguments: $queryBuilder: '@querybuilder.tx_tracking_pageview' $pagesToExclude: [1, 11, 38] dashboard.widget.danielsiepmann.tracking.pageViewsPerDay: class: 'TYPO3\CMS\Dashboard\Widgets\BarChartWidget' arguments: $view: '@dashboard.views.widget' $dataProvider: '@DanielSiepmann\Tracking\Dashboard\Provider\PageviewsPerDay' tags: - name: 'dashboard.widget' identifier: 'pageViewsBar' groupNames: 'tracking' iconIdentifier: 'content-widget-chart-bar' title: 'LLL:EXT:tracking/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:dashboard.widgets.pageViewsBar.title' description: 'LLL:EXT:tracking/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:dashboard.widgets.pageViewsBar.description' additionalCssClasses: 'dashboard-item--chart' height: 'medium' width: 'small' Options ======= .. option:: $days Integer defining the number of days to respect. Defaults to 31. .. option:: $pagesToExclude Array of page uids that should not be collected. Defaults to empty array, all pages are shown. This becomes handy if certain pages are called in order to show specific records. In those cases the pages will be called very often but don't provide much benefit and can be excluded. Use this in combination with :ref:`recordview` to show the records instead. .. option:: $dateFormat String defining the format used for labels. Defaults to 'Y-m-d'. .. option:: $languageLimitation Array of ``sys_language_uid``'s to include. Defaults to empty array, all languages are shown. Allows to limit results to specific lanuages. All entries tracked when visiting page with this language are shown. If multiple languages are shown, default system language labels are used. If only a single lanugage is allowed, record labels are translated to that language.