.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../../Includes.txt .. _viewhelpers: Viewhelpers =========== The following viewhelpers can be used in you templates. PrefillViewHelper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This viewhelper prefills fields in the registration form with values from fe_users. .. t3-field-list-table:: :header-rows: 1 - :Name: Name: :Type: Type: :Description: Description: :Default value: Default value: - :Name: fieldname :Type: String :Description: The fieldname which should be prefilled :Default value: - :Name: prefillSettings :Type: Array :Description: Array of fieldname mappings to fe_users **Example**:: prefillFields { firstname = first_name lastname = last_name customfields = custom_field_feuser } :Default value: Empty array Uri.PageViewhelper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This viewhelper does exactly the same as f:uri.page, but this viewhelper builds frontend links with buildFrontendUri(), so links to FE pages can get generated in the TYPO3 backend. This viewhelper can be used in email templates for custom notifications, when you want to link to a given page in you TYPO3 website. **Example**:: Uri.OnlineCalendar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This viewhelper renders a link which will add the given event to an online calendar of either Google, Outlook, Office 365 or Yahoo. Available types: * google * outlook * office365 * yahoo **Example**:: Event.SimultaneousRegistrationsViewHelper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This viewhelper renders an array of possible simultaneous registration for the given event. The viewhelper respects the max. amount of simultaneous registrations per user and also respects the amount of remaining participants for the event. The index of the array returned starts with 1, so the resulting array can be used directly in the f:form.select viewhelper. **Example**:: Format.ICalendarDateViewHelper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Formats the given DateTime object according to rfc5545, so it can be used in the iCalendar view Format.ICalendarDescriptionViewHelper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Formats the given string according to rfc5545, so it can be used in the iCalendar view Registration.Hmac ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Must be used, when the plugin :ref:`userregistrationplugin-settings` is used and it should be possible for users to cancel registrations (if configured in event). See usage in UserRegistration templates. Registration.IsRequiredField ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Can be used to show content, if a field or registration field is configured as required. See usage in Registration template and registration field partials. **Example**:: * Validation.ErrorClass ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Can be used to show a string, when a given field or registration field has validation errors See usage in Registration template and registration field partials. **Example**:: Title ~~~~~ Use this viewhelper to set the page title and indexed search title on event-detail and -registration pages. **Example**:: Category.Count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Can be used to get the amount of events per category. **Example**::