.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt Configuring plain text rendering of News records ------------------------------------------------ If you insert News records in your newsletter page, using the “Insert records” content element type, you may configure the plain text rendering of these News rendering. Simply add static template “Direct Mail News Plain Text” in your TS template. Note that order is important: “Direct Mail News Plain Text” should come after or below “Direct Mail Plain Text”. You may then tailor the template to your specific needs. The “Direct Mail Plain Text” static template is as follows: Setup """"" .. code-block:: typoscript plugin.tx_directmail_pi1 { shortcut.0.conf.tt_news =< plugin.tt_news shortcut.0.conf.tt_news.code = PLAINTEXT shortcut.0.conf.tt_news.defaultCode = PLAINTEXT shortcut.0.conf.tt_news.displayCurrentRecord = 1 shortcut.0.conf.tt_news.plainTextConf < plugin.tx_directmail_pi1 shortcut.0.tables = tt_content,tt_news tt_news_author.defaultType = 3 tt_news_author.date = D-m-Y tt_news_author.prefix = |###TT_NEWS_AUTHOR_PREFIX### | tt_news_author.datePrefix = |###TT_NEWS_AUTHOR_DATE_PREFIX### | tt_news_author.emailPrefix = | ###TT_NEWS_AUTHOR_EMAIL_PREFIX### | tt_news_author.1.preLineLen = 76 tt_news_author.1.postLineLen = 76 tt_news_author.1.preBlanks=1 tt_news_author.1.stdWrap.case = upper tt_news_author.2 < .tt_news_author.1 tt_news_author.2.preLineChar=* tt_news_author.2.postLineChar=* tt_news_author.3.preBlanks=1 tt_news_author.3.stdWrap.case = upper tt_news_author.4 < .tt_news_author.1 tt_news_author.4.preLineChar = = tt_news_author.4.postLineChar = = tt_news_author.4.preLineBlanks= 1 tt_news_author.4.postLineBlanks= 1 tt_news_short < .bodytext tt_news_short.header = |###TT_NEWS_SHORT_HEADER### | tt_news_bodytext < .bodytext tt_news_bodytext.header = |###TT_NEWS_BODYTEXT_HEADER### | }