.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt Configuring the Direct Mail module in Page TSConfig --------------------------------------------------- The Direct Mail configuration properties are set in the Page TSConfig of the Direct Mail folder under key mod.web\_modules.dmail. Note that all these properties may conveniently be set using the Direct Mail module function “Module configuration”. The following properties set default values for corresponding properties of direct mails. These properties of direct mails determine the headers inserted in the direct mail messages. .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property from\_email Data type string Description Default value for the 'From' or sender email address of direct mails. (Required) Note: This email address appears as the originating address or sender address in the direct mails received by the recipients. .. container:: table-row Property from\_name Data type string Description Default value for 'From' or sender name of direct mails. (Required) Note: This name appears as the name of the author or sender in the direct mails received by the recipients. .. container:: table-row Property replyto\_email Data type string Description Default value for 'Reply To' email address. Note: This is the email address to which replies to direct mails are sent. If not specified, the 'From' email is used. .. container:: table-row Property replyto\_name Data type string Description Default value for 'Reply To' name. Note: This is the name of the 'Reply To' email address. If not specified, the 'From' name is used. .. container:: table-row Property return\_path Data type string Description Default return path email address. Note: This is the address to which non-deliverable mails will be returned to. Note: If you put in the marker ###XID###, it'll be substituted with the unique id of the mail recipient. Note: The return path email address cannot be set by the Direct Mail module if PHP is running with safe\_mode enabled. .. container:: table-row Property organisation Data type string Description Name of the organization sending the mail. .. container:: table-row Property priority Data type int+ Description Default priority of direct mails. Possible values are: 1 - High 3 - Normal 5 – Low Default: 3 .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### The following properties set default values for corresponding properties of direct mails. These properties of direct mails determine the format of the content of direct mail messages. .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property sendOptions Data type int+ Description Default value for the format of email content. If in doubt, set it to 3 (Plain and HTML). The recipients are normally able to select their preferences anyway. Possible values are: 1 - Plain text only 2 - HTML only 3 - Plain and HTML Default: 3 .. _pageTsconfig_includeMedia: .. container:: table-row Property includeMedia Data type boolean Description Default value for this direct mail option: if set, images and other media are incorporated into the HTML mail content. Note: When this option is set on a direct mail, images and other media are encoded and incorporated into the messages. Sent messages will be heavier to transport. Note: To prevent embedding of a specific image add ``do_not_embed="1"`` to the image tag. This can be useful for adding third party tracking. When the option is not set, images and media are included in HTML content by absolute reference (href) to their location on the site where they reside. Default: 0 .. container:: table-row Property flowedFormat Data type boolean Description Default value for this direct mail option: if set, text will flow normally in the plain text content of email messages. Note: If the option is set, plain text mail content will still be broken in fixed length lines, as is standard for plain text email content, but so-called flowed format will be used. This will allow client agents that support this format to display the text as normally flowing text. The option is ignored if 'quoted-printable' is used. Note: this setting will produce email headers with 'format=flowed'. See `http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3676.txt `_ for more information. Note: In order for plain text content to be correctly rendered for effective use of this option, the flowedFormat property should also be set in the TS template of the plain text rendering plugin. .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### The following properties set default values for corresponding properties of direct mails. These properties of direct mails specify parameters used to fetch the content of the direct mails. .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property HTMLParams Data type string Description Default value for additional URL parameters used to fetch the HTML content from a TYPO3 page. Note: The specified parameters will be added to the URL used to fetch the HTML content of the direct mail from a TYPO3 page. If in doubt, leave it blank. .. container:: table-row Property plainParams Data type string Description Default value for additional URL parameters used to fetch the plain text content from a TYPO3 page. Note: The specified parameters will be added to the URL used to fetch the plain text content of the direct mail from a TYPO3 page. Note: If in doubt, set it either to '&type=99' or, when TemplaVoila is used, to '&print=1'. Default: &type=99 .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### The following properties specify the content transfer encodings and character sets to use when sending mails. .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property quick\_mail\_encoding Data type string Description Content transfer encoding to use when sending quick mails. Possible values: quoted-printable base64 8bit Default: quoted-printable .. container:: table-row Property direct\_mail\_encoding Data type string Description Default value for the content transfer encoding of direct mails. Possible values: quoted-printable base64 8bit Default: quoted-printable .. container:: table-row Property quick\_mail\_charset Data type string Description Character set to use when sending quick mails. Default: iso-8859-1 .. container:: table-row Property direct\_mail\_charset Data type string Description Default character set for direct mails built from external pages. Note: This is the character set used in direct mails when they are built from external pages and character set cannot be auto-detected. Note: Direct mails based on internal TYPO3 pages will be sent with the character set in which they are rendered as determined by their TS template. Default: iso-8859-1 .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### The following properties specify how links in mail content are processed. .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property use\_rdct Data type boolean Description If set, links longer than 76 characters found in plain text content will be redirected: long URL's will be substituted with ?RDCT=[md5hash] parameters. Note: This configuration determines how Quick Mails are handled and further sets the default value for Direct Mails. Default: 0 .. container:: table-row Property long\_link\_mode Data type boolean Description If set and if use\_rdct is set, all links in plain text content will be redirected, not only links longer than 76 characters. Default: 0 .. container:: table-row Property enable\_jump\_url Data type boolean Description If set, the use of jump URL's will be enabled so that click statistics can be produced. Default: 0 .. container:: table-row Property authcode\_fieldList Data type list Description Default list of fields to be used in the computation of the authentication code included in unsubscribe links and in jump URL's in direct mails. Default: uid .. _pageTsconfig_jumpurl_tracking_privacy: .. container:: table-row Property jumpurl\_tracking\_privacy Data type Boolean Description If set no “&rid” parameter will get added to jumpurls. This inhibits matching of clicked links to fe\_user or tt\_address records which increases privacy. Default: 0 .. ###### END~OF~TABLE ###### The following properties specify parameters for the operations of various functions of the Direct Mail module. .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property http\_username Data type string Description The username used to fetch the mail content, if mail content is protected by HTTP authentication. Note: The username is NOT sent in the mail! Note: If you do not specify a username and password and a newsletter page happens to be protected, an error will occur and no mail content will be fetched. .. container:: table-row Property http\_password Data type string Description The password used to fetch the mail content, if mail content is protected by a HTTP authentication. Note: The password is NOT sent in the mail! Note: If you do not specify a username and password and a newsletter page happens to be protected, an error will occur and no mail content will be fetched. .. container:: table-row Property simulate\_usergroup Data type integer Description If mail content is protected by Frontend user authentication, enter a user group that has access to the page. Note: If you do not specify a usergroup uid and the page has frontend user restrictions, an error will occur and no mail content will be fetched. .. container:: table-row Property userTable Data type string Description Custom-defined table that may be used to send direct mails in addition to fe\_users and tt\_address tables. Note: The following columns must be defined in the custom-defined table: uid, name, title, email, phone, ww, address, company, city, zip, country, fax, module\_sys\_dmail\_category, module\_sys\_dmail\_html .. container:: table-row Property test\_tt\_address\_uids Data type list of UIDs Description List of UID numbers of test recipients. Before sending mails, you should test the mail content by sending test mails to one or more test recipients. The available recipients for testing are determined by this list of UID numbers. So first, find out the UID numbers of the recipients you wish to use for testing, then enter them here in a comma-separated list. .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### Following settings are for the statistics module .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property showContentTitle Data type bool Description if set to 1, then only content title, in which the link can be found, will be shown in the click statistics. .. container:: table-row Property prependContentTitle Data type bool Description if set to 1, then content title and the linked words will be shown .. container:: table-row Property maxLabelLength Data type int Description maximum length of the clicked statistics label .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ###