.. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _configuration-example: ===================== Configuration example ===================== Target group: **Developers, Integrators** Example ======= This example configuration is based on the base TypoScript configuration (see :ref:`installation-steps`) without the example template. .. code-block:: typoscript # include definition of TrackingObjects @import 'EXT:cookieman/Configuration/TypoScript/TrackingObjects/*.typoscript' plugin.tx_cookieman.settings { trackingObjects { # extend the existing configuration for 'Matomo' Matomo { inject ( ) } # add my own custom tracking solution # if you have a useful configuration and want to share, we would be happy if you did a pull request! MyOwnTrackingPixel { inject (
Here be dragons
) show { # each element here represents one line of information in the consent popup pixelphp { duration = 1 durationUnit = months type = pixel provider = My Website Inc. } } } } groups { # my new group mygroup { trackingObjects { 0 = Matomo 1 = MyOwnTrackingPixel } respectDnt = 1 showDntMessage = 1 } } } plugin.tx_cookieman._LOCAL_LANG { en { trackingobject\.pixelphp = You can translate the name, but you do not have to. trackingobject\.pixelphp\.desc = My own tracking pixel does not really track you. It's just here to cheer you up. group\.mygroup = My group is my castle. type\.pixel = Tracking pixel } default < .en } Make the consent revokable ========================== It is recommended to include a snippet like the following on your data privacy statement page to allow your users to adjust their cookie preferences: .. code-block:: HTML .. attention:: If your website uses a strict `Content-Security-Policy` (see `Mozilla Developer Network `__) the onclick= needs to be replaced with registering a click-handler from an external