TypoScript constants

Adjust the TypoScript constants (again, either in a sys_template record or in a file in your site package).

All constants are prepended with plugin.tx_cookieman.settings.



| Data type: path | Default: EXT:cookieman/Resources | Example: EXT:mysitepackage/Resources |

Path to directory that holds the themes. Default enables the shipped demo themes. See Custom themes how to create a new theme.



| Data type: string | Default: bootstrap4-modal | Example: my-theme |

Name of the theme. It is used to extend the resourcesBasePath to create the full path to templates and assets.

The shipped default themes are these: Themes directory on Github

You can check them out on our Demo page.

Of course you can use your own custom theme (see Custom themes).



| Data type: boolean | Default: 1 |

Cookieman comes with both minified and regular stylesheets and JavaScripts for the demo themes.

It set to 1, the minified versions of the .css and .js files are used. You can set it to 0 for debugging purposes.