.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _caching: ======= Caching ======= Once a sitemap is located by a :ref:`sitemap provider `, the path to the XML sitemap is cached. Caching happens with a custom `sitemap_locator` cache which defaults to a filesystem cache located at :file:`var/cache/code/sitemap_locator`. .. php:namespace:: EliasHaeussler\Typo3SitemapLocator\Cache .. php:class:: SitemapsCache Read and write sitemap cache entries from custom `sitemap_locator` cache. .. php:method:: get($site, $siteLanguage = null) Get the located sitemaps of a given site. :param TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Site\\Entity\\Site $site: The sitemap's site object. :param TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Site\\Entity\\SiteLanguage $siteLanguage: An optional site language. :returns: Located sitemaps of a given site. .. php:method:: set($sitemaps) Add the located sitemaps to the `sitemap_locator` cache. :param array $sitemaps: The located sitemaps to be cached. .. seealso:: View the sources on GitHub: - `SitemapsCache `__