.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _api-key: ======= API key ======= You need an `API key `__ to perform requests at OpenAI. Once generated, the key must be configured in the :ref:`extension configuration `. Follow these steps to create and use an OpenAI API key: .. rst-class:: bignums-xxl 1. Log in with your OpenAI account Head over to https://platform.openai.com/account/ and log in with your OpenAI account. If you don't have an account yet, you can sign up on this page as well. 2. Create API key Head over to the :guilabel:`API Keys` section. You should see all your API keys listed, if you already generated ones. Click on the :guilabel:`Create new secret key` button to create a new API key. Copy the key to your clipboard or safe it elsewhere. .. attention:: You won't be able to display the key again once you closed the page. 3. Add extension configuration Paste the generated API key in the extension configuration :ref:`extconf-api-key`. This can either be done in the TYPO3 backend or directly in your :file:`config/system/settings.php` (formerly :file:`typo3conf/ext/LocalConfiguration.php`) file. 4. Keep the key secret! **Don't share this key with anyone else!** Keep in mind that everyone with access to this key will be able to perform requests with your OpenAI account. This can be very cost intensive as request are not free.