.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _prompts: ======= Prompts ======= AI models must be prompted to provide a solution for a given problem. For this, the extension provides a basic abstraction to implement such prompts. .. seealso:: Read more about `techniques to improve reliability `__ when it comes to prompt engineering. .. php:namespace:: EliasHaeussler\Typo3Solver\ProblemSolving\Solution\Prompt .. php:interface:: Prompt Basic abstraction to generate prompts for a given problem. Ideally, prompts are developed to match a specific model. .. php:staticmethod:: create() Create a new instance of the prompt generator. This is mainly used on a low level basis where dependency injection is not available. :returns: An instance of the current prompt generator. .. php:method:: generate($exception) Generate a prompt to provide a solution for the given exception. :param Throwable $exception: The exception to generate a prompt for :returntype: string .. _default-prompt: Default prompt ============== The extension already ships a default prompt, targeting the GPT-3.5 model. .. php:class:: DefaultPrompt Default prompt generator, mainly developed for the GPT-3.5 model, but can be used for other models as well. It passes the following information to the OpenAI model: - Exception class - Exception message - File where the exception was triggered - Line where the exception was triggered - Code snippet of the line that triggered the exception - Installation mode (composer or legacy) - Installed TYPO3 version - Installed PHP version .. seealso:: View the sources on GitHub: - `Prompt `__ - `DefaultPrompt `__ (`Fluid template `__)