.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _migration: ========= Migration ========= This section lists required migration steps for upgrades between major versions. .. _0_1_x_-_0_2_x: 0.1.x → 0.2.x ============= .. _migration-chat-completion-component: Chat completion component ------------------------- The used OpenAI component changed from text completion to chat completion. - Migrate the used model in your :ref:`extension configuration `. The new default model is `gpt-3.5-turbo-0301`. .. _migration-solution-stream: Solution stream --------------- Solutions are now streamed to exception pages. - Migrate custom solution providers to implement :php:interface:`EliasHaeussler\\Typo3Solver\\ProblemSolving\\Solution\\Provider\\StreamedSolutionProvider`. - Note the modified DOM structure for solutions on exception pages. .. _migration-di: Dependency injection -------------------- Several classes are now ready for dependency injection. - Migrate custom classes to use dependency injection. - Implement new static factory method :php:`create()` within custom solution providers and prompts. - Make sure custom classes can be used without dependency injection as well, since exception handling may happen on a very low level where DI is not available (yet).