.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _extension-configuration: ======================= Extension configuration ======================= The extension currently provides the following configuration options: .. _extension-configuration-crawler: Crawler ======= .. _extconf-crawler: .. confval:: crawler :type: string (FQCN) :Default: :php:class:`EliasHaeussler\\Typo3Warming\\Crawler\\ConcurrentUserAgentCrawler` Default crawler to be used for crawling the requested pages. .. note:: Custom crawlers must implement :php:interface:`EliasHaeussler\\CacheWarmup\\Crawler\\CrawlerInterface`. .. _extconf-crawlerOptions: .. confval:: crawlerOptions :type: string (JSON) JSON-encoded string of custom crawler options for the default :ref:`crawler `. Applies only to crawlers implementing the :php:interface:`EliasHaeussler\\CacheWarmup\\Crawler\\ConfigurableCrawlerInterface`. For more information read :ref:`configurable-crawlers`. .. tip:: If the XML sitemap is protected by HTTP authentication (basic auth), you can set the credentials as follows: `{"client_config":{"auth":["",""]}}` In case the XML sitemap does not have a valid SSL certificate, it is possible to disable the SSL verification: `{"client_config":{"verify":false}}` You can also combine both settings: `{"client_config":{"verify":false,"auth":["",""]}}` .. _extconf-verboseCrawler: .. confval:: verboseCrawler :type: string (FQCN) :Default: :php:class:`EliasHaeussler\\Typo3Warming\\Crawler\\OutputtingUserAgentCrawler` Verbose crawler to be used for cache warmup from the command-line. .. note:: Custom verbose crawlers must implement :php:interface:`EliasHaeussler\\CacheWarmup\\Crawler\\VerboseCrawlerInterface`. .. _extconf-verboseCrawlerOptions: .. confval:: verboseCrawlerOptions :type: string (JSON) JSON-encoded string of custom crawler options for the :ref:`verbose crawler `. Applies only to crawlers implementing the :php:interface:`EliasHaeussler\\CacheWarmup\\Crawler\\ConfigurableCrawlerInterface`. For more information read :ref:`configurable-crawlers`. .. tip:: If the XML sitemap is protected by HTTP authentication (basic auth), you can set the credentials as follows: `{"client_config":{"auth":["",""]}}` In case the XML sitemap does not have a valid SSL certificate, it is possible to disable the SSL verification: `{"client_config":{"verify":false}}` You can also combine both settings: `{"client_config":{"verify":false,"auth":["",""]}}` .. _extconf-parserClientOptions: .. confval:: parserClientOptions :type: string (JSON) .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 `Feature: #502 - Allow configuration of XML parser client options `__ JSON-encoded string of options for the client used within the XML parser to parse XML sitemaps. All available `Guzzle client options `__ are accepted and merged with :ref:`TYPO3's global client configuration ` stored in `$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['HTTP']`. .. tip:: If the XML sitemap is protected by HTTP authentication (basic auth), you can set the credentials as follows: `{"auth":["",""]}` In case the XML sitemap does not have a valid SSL certificate, it is possible to disable the SSL verification: `{"verify":false}` You can also combine both settings: `{"verify":false,"auth":["",""]}` .. _extension-configuration-options: Options ======= .. _extconf-limit: .. confval:: limit :type: integer :Default: 250 Allows to limit the number of crawled pages in one iteration. .. tip:: Can be set to :typoscript:`0` to crawl all available pages in XML sitemaps. .. _extconf-exclude: .. confval:: exclude :type: string (comma-separated list) Comma-separated list of exclude patterns to exclude URLs from cache warmup. The following formats are currently supported: - Regular expressions with delimiter :php:`#`, e.g. :php:`#(no_cache|no_warming)=1#` - Any pattern processable by the native PHP function `fnmatch `__, e.g. :php:`*no_cache=1*` .. _extconf-strategy: .. confval:: strategy :type: string Name of an available crawling strategy to use for cache warmup. Crawling strategies are used to prepare URLs before actually crawling them. This can be helpful to prioritize crawling of important URLs. .. seealso:: Read more at :ref:`crawling-strategies`. .. _extension-configuration-page-tree: Page tree ========= .. _extconf-enablePageTree: .. confval:: enablePageTree :type: boolean :Default: 1 Enable cache warmup in the :ref:`page tree ` context menu. This setting affects all users, including administrators. .. _extconf-supportedDoktypes: .. confval:: supportedDoktypes :type: string (comma-separated list) :Default: 1 Comma-separated list of doktypes to be supported for cache warmup in the :ref:`page tree ` context menu. Defaults to default pages with doktype :php:`1` only. If your project implements custom doktypes, you can add them here to support cache warmup from the context menu. .. _extension-configuration-toolbar: Toolbar ======= .. _extconf-enableToolbar: .. confval:: enableToolbar :type: boolean :Default: 1 Enable cache warmup in the :ref:`backend toolbar `. This setting affects all users, including administrators.