.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _permissions: =========== Permissions =========== .. note:: Cache warmup can also be enabled or disabled globally. Check out the extension configuration for :ref:`page tree ` and :ref:`backend toolbar `. Administrators are able to run cache warmup for all available sites and pages. All other users are by default not allowed to run those tasks. Thus, they cannot see both the cache warmup toolbar item and context menu items. However, you can use User TSconfig to allow cache warmup for specific users/usergroups and sites/pages. Add the following configuration to the :typoscript:`options.cacheWarmup` User TSconfig: .. confval:: allowedSites :Path: :typoscript:`options.cacheWarmup.allowedSites` :type: string (comma-separated list) Provide a comma-separated list of site identifiers. Those sites can then be warmed by the backend user. Example: .. code-block:: typoscript options.cacheWarmup.allowedSites = my-dummy-site,another-dummy-site .. confval:: allowedPages :Path: :typoscript:`options.cacheWarmup.allowedPages` :type: string (comma-separated list) Provide a comma-separated list of pages. Those pages can then be warmed by the backend user. Pages can be suffixed by a `+` sign to recursively include all subpages. Example: .. code-block:: typoscript options.cacheWarmup.allowedPages = 1,2,3+ .. seealso:: You might also want to check out :ref:`access-utility` for the actual implementation of the permission check.