.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _access-utility: =============== `AccessUtility` =============== The :php:`AccessUtility` can be used to determine :ref:`permissions ` of the current user to warm up caches of specific sites or pages. .. php:namespace:: EliasHaeussler\Typo3Warming\Utility .. php:class:: AccessUtility Utility class to determine cache warmup permissions. .. php:method:: canWarmupCacheOfPage($pageId, $languageId = null) Check if the current user can warm up caches of the given page. :param int $pageId: ID of the page to be checked. :param int $languageId: Optional language ID to be included in the check. :returntype: bool .. php:method:: canWarmupCacheOfSite($site, $languageId = null) Check if the current user can warm up caches of the given site. :param TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Site\\Entity\\Site $site: The site to be checked. :param int $languageId: Optional language ID to be included in the check. :returntype: bool .. seealso:: View the sources on GitHub: - `AccessUtility `__