.. include:: ../Includes.rst.txt ============ Introduction ============ This TYPO3 extension provides a dashboard widget that displays a list of last modified or created content elements. It considers page access permissions to show only accessible content elements for the current backend user. .. figure:: ../Images/add-widget.png :class: with-shadow :alt: Add widget modal that shows the recent content widget The recent content widget is located in the system information tab from the add widget modal. .. figure:: ../Images/widget-on-dashboard.png :class: with-shadow :alt: The recent content widget on the dashboard The widget's appearance on the dashboard. Compatibility ============= .. csv-table:: Version Matrix :header: "Extension Version", "TYPO3 v11 Support", "TYPO3 v10 Support" :align: center "1.0.x", "✔️️", "✔️️"