.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../../Includes.txt .. _validation: Validation ========== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Purpose of Validators --------------------- Validators are a mechanism to ensure that all information given by the user meet your expectation as an admin. Either if the values make sense in terms of format like emails oder in required information value like age verification. If values need to be enforce your should use the RequiredValidator_ because this validator does not only check if the value of the configured field is filled but it also serves as a signal for the Required Partial to render the corresponding flag. All validators are optional, could be set single or may be even assigned multiple times to a field. Despite the concept of extbase you are free to choose how many validators should take care of a value. Different possibilities of assigning validators ----------------------------------------------- In case you want to have no validation at all for a field was was configured by default as required you need to empty the associated validators. Look at the example given where the validators of the email gets removed. Remove validators: '''''''''''''''''' :: plugin.tx_sfregister.settings.validation.create.email > If only one validator is needed you could assign it directly to the field like below. Assign only one validator: '''''''''''''''''''''''''' :: plugin.tx_sfregister.settings.validation.create.passwordRepeat = Evoweb\SfRegister\Validation\Validator\RepeatValidator And finaly it's possible to have multiple validators for one field like in the next example. Assign multiple validators: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' :: plugin.tx_sfregister.settings.validation.create.password { 1 = Evoweb\SfRegister\Validation\Validator\RequiredValidator 2 = Evoweb\SfRegister\Validation\Validator\BadWordValidator } Regarding validator it's possible to have values attached to the assigned one. This is beneficial if you want to check against conditions that are not equal in different cases. One point where this is shown best with is the length of passwords. One would like to keep it simple as possible because the loss would be nearly not existing while another would prefer the passwords stronger than for Fort Knox. 'Poor manĀ“s' passwords with short length: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' :: plugin.tx_sfregister.settings.validation.create.password { 1 = Evoweb\SfRegister\Validation\Validator\RequiredValidator 2 = StringLength(minimum = 8, maximum = 10) 3 = Evoweb\SfRegister\Validation\Validator\BadWordValidator } 'Bulletproof' passwords with long length: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' :: plugin.tx_sfregister.settings.validation.create.password { 1 = Evoweb\SfRegister\Validation\Validator\RequiredValidator 2 = StringLength(minimum = 48, maximum = 64) 3 = Evoweb\SfRegister\Validation\Validator\BadWordValidator } In total you have five possible combination of validator assignments for each field that you use in your form. You have none, one and multiple validators. And in case of a validator present you can add options too override the default that is set in the validator. Separate validators per process ------------------------------- Each process has its own needs. While you want to have the username validated on creation, this is not needed in the edit or password change form. This could be achieved by separating the TypoScript settings in different conditions per page. But this is mostly inconvenient as you don't see what settings is met until the condition. Because of this the validation settings are split for any process. :: plugin.tx_sfregister.settings.validation { create { [...] } edit { [...] } password { [...] } } Special validators ------------------ The UserValidator is not meant to be used for field validation. This validator is a special construct to make the configuration via TypoScript possible. All others are free to combine. If a validator is only suited for a certain field it will be mentioned in the detail configuration. Prefixing needed for non extbase validators ------------------------------------------- To use the extension validators you need to prefix them in the TypoScript with Evoweb\SfRegister\Validation\Validator\ . For all validators without this prefix the validation assumes that they are extbase specific validators and use them as such. Secondly this makes it possible to use custom validators that do not come with extbase or sf_register. Just code your validator and make it available for auto loading (either in an extbase standard path or via ext_autoload.php). Afterwards you are ready to use your validator like in the following example. Custom validator usage: ''''''''''''''''''''''' :: plugin.tx_sfregister.settings.validation.create.password = 1 = Evoweb\SfRegister\Validation\Validator\RequiredValidator Available validators -------------------- Beside the validators that come with extbase and which are although available in the different processes, the registration come with a set of specific ones that are tailored to the special need. The following lists all validators which are suited for the usage on fields. .. container:: ts-properties ===================================================== ============================================================================================== Validator Options ===================================================== ============================================================================================== BadWordValidator_ configured by plugin.tx_sfregister.settings.badWordList IsTrueValidator_ RequiredValidator_ ===================================================== ============================================================================================== .. _BadWordValidator: .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property BadWordValidator Data type string Description Checks if the field contains non of the word in the list is present Configured in plugin.tx_sfregister.settings.badWordList Default god, sex, password .. _IsTrueValidator: .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property IsTrueValidator Data type string Description Checks if the field is set for example the general terms and conditions .. _RequiredValidator: .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property RequiredValidator Data type string Description This validator serves two purpose. First of check if the field contains a value and that it is not empty. Second the rendering uses this validator as condition to render required sign or not. Special fields Validators ------------------------- .. container:: ts-properties ===================================================== ============================================================= ================== ============= Validator Assign to field Options Default ===================================================== ============================================================= ================== ============= CaptchaValidator_ captcha type srfreecap EmptyValidator_ auto-assigned to uid in create EqualCurrentPasswordValidator_ oldPassword EqualCurrentUserValidator_ auto-assigned to uid in edit ImageUploadValidator_ image RepeatValidator_ email oder password UniqueValidator_ any, best for email and username global 0 ===================================================== ============================================================= ================== ============= .. _CaptchaValidator: .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property CaptchaValidator Data type string Description Checks if the entered value matches the captcha text by using the same captcha adapter like the one used for the rendering. Therefor the option type needs to equal the configuration of the rendering. Likewise the rendering of the captcha its possible to use custom captchas to validate. How to use create custom is described in :ref:`Bring in your own captcha ` Options: type = [srfreecap, jmrecaptcha] Default: srfreecap .. _EmptyValidator: .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property EmptyValidator Data type string Description Checks if the field uid is empty to no unauthorized user manipulation could happen Specialty: This validator gets auto-assigned to the uid field in the create process .. _EqualCurrentPasswordValidator: .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property EqualCurrentPasswordValidator Data type string Description This validator is used in the password change process. It compares if the entered old password is equal to the current set password for the account the user is logged in with. .. _EqualCurrentUserValidator: .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property EqualCurrentUserValidator Data type string Description On edit process it's important that the correct user data get modified. To ensure that the submitted data does not temper the user id. This validator compares the user id send by the form with the user id of the logged in user to prevent and change of the id. Specialty: This validator gets auto-assigned to the uid field in the edit process .. _ImageUploadValidator: .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property ImageUploadValidator Data type string Description The image upload validator checks if the file uploaded has an allowed file extension and if the file size is in the allowed max size. Both checks uses system configuration. Configuration: file extension is configured by $GLOBALS['TCA']['fe_users']['columns']['image']['config']['allowed'] file size is configured by $GLOBALS['TCA']['fe_users']['columns']['image']['config']['max_size'] .. _UniqueValidator: .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property UniqueValidator Data type string Description Checks if the value is unique for the field in the storage folder. If the option 'global' is set a second check for the value in the field is done system wide. By this you could define that an email address is unique either in the local context or for the complex TYPO3 cms installation. So if you have multiple newsletters that could get registered its ideal to choose only the global = 0 check, so an user could register multiple times. If the username should be only available once in the system to prevent collisions in authentication you would choose to set globals = 1 . Options: global = [0,1] Default 0 .. _RepeatValidator: .. ### BEGIN~OF~TABLE ### .. container:: table-row Property RepeatValidator Data type string Description To ensure that the input of a user was done without mistake by the user self it's a good idea to have the values entered in two fields and then compare their values. That is possible with this validator. The fields need to be present with the pattern [fieldName] and [fieldName]Repeat. Where fieldName is free to choose. While Repeat is not configurable by now this validator is only usable for email and password fields.