.. include:: ../../../Includes.txt Services ======== The extension brings with the Services.yaml a registration of an EventListener on `Extcode\Cart\Event\ProcessOrderCreateEvent`. As in the documentation for `PDF generation `_, the TypoScript configuration `plugin.tx_cart.autoGenerateDocuments` can be used to define which documents should be generated. This can also be overridden by the optional parameter `$options` with the EventListener registration. :: Extcode\CartPdf\EventListener\ProcessOrderCreate\DocumentRenderer: arguments: $orderItemRepository: '@Extcode\Cart\Domain\Repository\Order\ItemRepository' $persistenceManager: '@TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\PersistenceManager' $options: autoGenerateDocuments: order: true tags: - name: event.listener identifier: 'cart-pdf--process-order-create--document-renderer' event: Extcode\Cart\Event\ProcessOrderCreateEvent after: 'cart--process-order-create--order-number' before: 'cart--process-order-create--email' This makes it possible to generate different documents for different order processes. For example, only the order confirmation (orderPdf) for prepayment but the invoice (invoicePdf) for all completed payments with a payment provider extension like PayOne. Currently there is only the option `autoGenerateDocuments` provides and array of the documents to be generated is expected. Analogous to the TypoScript configuration, order is set to true here to generate the order confirmation (orderPdf).