.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. Installation ============ Installation using composer --------------------------- The recommended way to install the extension is by using `Composer `_. In your composer based TYPO3 project root, just do `composer require extcode/cart`. Installation from TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) -------------------------------------------------- Download and install the extension with the extension manager module. Latest version from git ----------------------- You can get the latest version from git by using the git command: .. code-block:: bash git clone git@github.com:extcode/cart.git Preparation: Include static TypoScript -------------------------------------- The extension ships some TypoScript code which needs to be included. #. Switch to the root page of your site. #. Switch to the **Template module** and select *Info/Modify*. #. Press the link **Edit the whole template record** and switch to the tab *Includes*. #. Select **Shopping Cart - Cart** at the field *Include static (from extensions):* Product Database / Product Storages ----------------------------------- Cart itself doesn't provide any product database or product storage. You can use your own product table or one of the product extension that I implemented for some use cases. ============================== ===================================================================================== ================================================================= extension key composer package github repository ============================== ===================================================================================== ================================================================= cart_books `extcode/cart-books `_ `extcode/cart_books `_ cart_events `extcode/cart-events `_ ``_ cart_events_plus --- --- cart_gift_cards --- --- cart_product `extcode/cart-products `_ ``_ ============================== ===================================================================================== ================================================================= For own product storages you have to implement the \Extcode\Cart\Domain\Finisher\Cart\AddToCartFinisherInterface. Please have a look at `Hooks <../../DeveloperManual/Hooks/Index.html>`__