.. include:: ../../../../Includes.txt Email Configuration ==================== Email addresses must be configured for sending emails. This can be done in the backend via the plugin, but also configured via TypoScript. :: plugin.tx_cart { mail { buyer { fromAddress = cart.buyer.sender@extco.de ccAddress = cart.buyer.cc1@extco.de, cart.buyer.cc2@extco.de bccAddress = cart.buyer.bcc1@extco.de, cart.buyer.bcc2@extco.de replyToAddress = cart.buyer.reply@extco.de attachments { 1 = EXT:theme_cart/Resources/Public/Files/AGB.pdf } } seller { fromAddress = cart.seller.sender@extco.de toAddress = cart.seller.to1@extco.de, cart.seller.to2@extco.de ccAddress = cart.seller.cc1@extco.de, cart.seller.cc2@extco.de bccAddress = cart.seller.bcc1@extco.de, cart.seller.bcc2@extco.de } } } mail.buyer.fromAddress """""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property plugin.tx_cart.mail.buyer.fromAddress Data type string Description Defines from which sender address the e-mails are sent to the buyer. mail.buyer.ccAddress """"""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property plugin.tx_cart.mail.buyer.ccAddress Data type string Description Defines to which addresses the e-mail should be sent in CC (Carbon Copy). Multiple recipients can be given separated by commas. mail.buyer.bccAddress """"""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property plugin.tx_cart.mail.buyer.bccAddress Data type string Description Defines to which addresses the e-mail should be sent in BCC (Blind Carbon Copy). Multiple recipients can be given separated by commas. mail.buyer.replyToAddress """"""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property plugin.tx_cart.mail.buyer.replyToAddress Data type string Description Defines to which address should be used as Reply To. This will override the ['MAIL']['defaultMailReplyToAddress'] configuration. mail.buyer.attachments """""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property plugin.tx_cart.mail.buyer.attachments.n Data type array Description Defines one or more e-mail attachments to be sent to the buyer. These can be, for example, documents with the general terms and conditions. mail.buyer.attachDocuments """""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property plugin.tx_cart.mail.buyer.attachDocuments.n Data type array Description Defines one or more e-mail attachments of the generated PDF documents to be sent to the buyer. This can be the order confirmation, the invoice or a separate document. mail.seller.fromAddress """"""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property plugin.tx_cart.mail.seller.fromAddress Data type string Description Defines from which sender address the e-mails are sent to the seller/shop operator. mail.seller.toAddress """"""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property plugin.tx_cart.mail.seller.toAddress Data type string Description Defines to which recipient addresses the e-mails to the seller/shop operator are sent. Multiple recipients can be given separated by commas. mail.seller.ccAddress """"""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property plugin.tx_cart.mail.buyer.ccAddress Data type string Description Defines to which addresses the e-mail should be sent in CC (Carbon Copy). Multiple recipients can be given separated by commas. mail.seller.bccAddress """"""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property plugin.tx_cart.mail.buyer.bccAddress Data type string Description Defines to which addresses the e-mail should be sent in BCC (Blind Carbon Copy). Multiple recipients can be given separated by commas. mail.seller.attachments """"""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property plugin.tx_cart.mail.seller.attachments.n Data type array Description Defines one or more e-mail attachments to be sent to the seller. These can be, for example, documents with the general terms and conditions. mail.seller.attachDocuments """"""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Property plugin.tx_cart.mail.seller.attachDocuments.n Data type array Description Defines one or more e-mail attachments of the generated PDF documents to be sent to the seller. This can be the order confirmation, the invoice or a separate document.