.. include:: ../../../Includes.txt ==== AJAX ==== To add products to the shopping cart via AJAX request, a configuration for a custom page type is needed, because in this case you don't want to receive the completely rendered page as response, but only a JSON object. The default templates are preconfigured for AJAX and the extension also contains the needed JavaScript. .. tip:: When using own templates and partials you need to make sure that the needed HTML classes and IDs are given if you want to use the JavaScript delivered by this extension. This is the supplied configuration for the shopping cart plugin: .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:cart/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript plugin.tx_cart { settings { addToCartByAjax = 2278001 } } ajaxCart = PAGE ajaxCart { typeNum = 2278001 config { disableAllHeaderCode = 1 xhtml_cleaning = 0 admPanel = 0 debug = 0 no_cache = 1 } 10 = EXTBASEPLUGIN 10 { vendorName = Extcode extensionName = Cart pluginName = Cart controller = Product } } plugin.tx_cart.settings ======================= .. confval:: addToCartByAjax :Type: int :Default: 2278001 Activates the option to add products via AJAX action. There is no forwarding to the shopping cart page. The value is used as typeNum in the default templates of `extcode/cart-books`, `extcode/cart-events`, `extcode/cart-products` and other product extensions. The response can used to display messages or update the MiniCart plugin.