.. include:: ../../../../Includes.txt ================== Consent Checkboxes ================== .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:cart/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript plugin.tx_cart { settings { cart { acceptTermsAndConditions.pid = {$plugin.tx_cart.settings.cart.acceptTermsAndConditions.pid} acceptRevocationInstruction.pid = {$plugin.tx_cart.settings.cart.acceptRevocationInstruction.pid} acceptPrivacyPolicy.pid = {$plugin.tx_cart.settings.cart.acceptPrivacyPolicy.pid} } validation { orderItem { fields { acceptTermsAndConditions.validator = Boolean acceptTermsAndConditions.options.is = true acceptRevocationInstruction.validator = Boolean acceptRevocationInstruction.options.is = true acceptPrivacyPolicy.validator = Boolean acceptPrivacyPolicy.options.is = true } } } } } plugin.tx_cart.settings.cart ============================ .. confval:: acceptTermsAndConditions.pid :Type: int :Default: empty If a page id is given the translation key *tx_cart_domain_model_order_item.accept_terms_and_conditions_with_link* will show a checkbox label with a link to the given page. If the value is empty the *tx_cart_domain_model_order_item.accept_terms_and_conditions_and_conditions* translation key will be used in frontend. .. confval:: acceptRevocationInstruction.pid :Type: int :Default: empty If a page id is given the translation key *tx_cart_domain_model_order_item.accept_revocation_instruction_with_link* will show a checkbox label with a link to the given page. If the value is empty the *tx_cart_domain_model_order_item.accept_revocation_instruction* translation key will be used in frontend. .. confval:: acceptRevocationInstruction.pid :Type: int :Default: empty If a page id is given the translation key *tx_cart_domain_model_order_item.accept_privacy_policy_with_link* will show a checkbox label with a link to the given page. If the value is empty the *tx_cart_domain_model_order_item.accept_privacy_policy* translation key will be used in frontend. plugin.tx_cart.settings.validation.orderItem.fields =================================================== .. confval:: acceptTermsAndConditions.validator :Type: string :Default: Boolean Add a checkbox for accepting the terms and conditions. To not render this checkbox at all you need to set .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:sitepackage/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript plugin.tx_cart.settings.validation.orderItem.fields.acceptTermsAndConditions > .. confval:: acceptTermsAndConditions.options.is :Type: string :Default: true Defines which value is expected for terms and conditions checkbox. This setting will be ignored if the checkbox is not rendered at all. .. confval:: acceptRevocationInstruction.validator :Type: string :Default: Boolean Add a checkbox for accepting the revocation instruction. To not render this checkbox at all you need to set .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:sitepackage/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript plugin.tx_cart.settings.validation.orderItem.fields.acceptRevocationInstruction > .. confval:: acceptRevocationInstruction.options.is :Type: string :Default: true Defines which value is expected for revocation instruction checkbox. This setting will be ignored if the checkbox is not rendered at all. .. confval:: acceptPrivacyPolicy.validator :Type: string :Default: Boolean Add a checkbox for accepting the privacy policy. To not render this checkbox at all you need to set .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: EXT:sitepackage/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript plugin.tx_cart.settings.validation.orderItem.fields.acceptPrivacyPolicy > .. confval:: acceptPrivacyPolicy.options.is :Type: string :Default: true Defines which value is expected for privacy policy checkbox. This setting will be ignored if the checkbox is not rendered at all.