.. include:: ../../../../Includes.txt .. _shipping_method_flex_price: =========== Flex Prices =========== Sometimes you won't configure fix prices for an service methods. Especially the shipping costs can depend on the amount of products in cart. The cart extension provides a service interface and a default implementation which can handle different kinds of dependencies. A common condition is the amount of physical products in cart. .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: Can be set in e.g. EXT:sitepackage/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript plugin.tx_cart { shippings { countries { de { preset = 1 options { 1 { title = Standard extra = by_price extra { 1 { value = 0.00 extra = 1.50 } 2 { value = 5.00 extra = 3.00 } 3 { value = 10.00 extra = 4.00 } 4 { value = 80.00 extra = 5.00 } } taxClassId = 1 status = open } } } at < .de ch < .de } } } plugin.tx_cart.shipping.countries.de ==================================== .. confval:: options..extra :Type: string * by_price * by_price_of_physical_products * by_quantity * by_number_of_physical_products * by_number_of_virtual_products * by_number_of_all_products * by_service_attribute_1_sum * by_service_attribute_1_max * by_service_attribute_2_sum * by_service_attribute_2_max * by_service_attribute_3_sum * by_service_attribute_3_max .. confval:: options..extra..value :Type: int Defines the matching condition. .. confval:: options..extra..extra :Type: float Defines the extra value. Extending Service Calculation ----------------------------- Sometimes the shipping method has some special rules. In Germany the Post provides the so called "Bücherversand" for books. Some rules apply to this shipping method. - The weight is included in the price calculation. - Certain lengths and widths must not be exceeded. - Furthermore only books may be sent. Such special rules cannot be mapped using TypoScript configurations. Therefore, a separate service class can be implemented for a method, which can then return the calculated price to the shopping cart. .. code-block:: typoscript :caption: Can be set in e.g. EXT:sitepackage/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript plugin.tx_cart { shippings { countries { de { preset = 1 options { 1 { title = Standard className = \\MyVendor\\MyExtension\\MyShippingService taxClassId = 1 status = open } } } } } } .. confval:: options..className :Type: string Defines the class which implements the `\Extcode\Cart\Domain\Model\Cart\ServiceInterface`. This allows you to implement your own service cost calculation per service method. A valid case is, that you have to decide between `serviceAttribute1` (e.g. weight) and `service_attribute2` (e.g. size). This is not configurable through TypoScript and heighly depends on your delivery service.