.. include:: ../../Includes.txt ============= Configuration ============= :: $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['MAIL'] = [ 'defaultMailFromAddress' => 'contact@example.com', 'defaultMailFromName' => 'default', 'transport' => 'smtp', 'transport_smtp_encrypt' => 'tls', 'transport_smtp_password' => 'very-secure-password', 'transport_smtp_server' => 'mail.example.com:587', 'transport_smtp_username' => 'contact@example.com', 'overrides' => [ 'kontakt@example.de' => [ 'transport_smtp_password' => 'sehr-sicheres-passwort', 'transport_smtp_server' => 'mail.example.de:587', 'transport_smtp_username' => 'kontakt', ], 'contact@example.nl' => [ 'transport_smtp_encrypt' => 'ssl', 'transport_smtp_password' => 'zeer-veilig-wachtwoord', 'transport_smtp_server' => 'smtp.example.nl:465', 'transport_smtp_username' => 'contact@example.nl', ], 'contact@example.fr' => [ 'transport' => 'sendmail', 'transport_sendmail_command' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f contact@example.fr', 'transport_smtp_encrypt' => '', 'transport_smtp_password' => '', 'transport_smtp_server' => '', 'transport_smtp_username' => '', ], ], ]; As the example shows, all e-mail configuration options can also be used for the alternative configurations. When the TransportFactory is configured, the values of the default configuration are overwritten with the values for the corresponding e-mail address. This means that you only need to configure those values that differ.