.. ================================================== .. FOR YOUR INFORMATION .. -------------------------------------------------- .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- with BOM. .. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _developer: Developer Corner ================ .. _generated-markup: Generated markup ---------------- Syntax Highligther ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: html :linenos:
Prism ^^^^^ .. code-block:: html :linenos:
            CODE GOES HERE
FAQ --- Howto install JS vendors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Download amd install node.js from http://nodejs.org/download/ 2. Install bower .. code-block:: bash npm install bower 3. Install vendors from CLI .. code-block:: bash bower install 4. Remove unneeded files: - `qunit` folder - `xregexp` folder - all `*.min.js` files in `Resources/Public/Javascript/vendor/prism/components/` - all untracked files in `Resources/Public/Javascript/vendor/prism/` Howto add BOM to all reStructuredText files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ While editing the files in Eclipse, the BOM possibly gets removed, this script will help you to re-add the UTF8 BOM again. Simply put that into the extension root directory, add executable rights (`chmod u+x ...`). If you are still experiencing issues, just comment out the last line and execute the script multiple times until no output is displayed. Then uncomment the last line. .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash for F in $(ls -R Documentation/*.rst Documentation/*/*.rst Documentation/*.txt) do if [[ -f $F && `head -c 3 $F` == $'\xef\xbb\xbf' ]]; then # file exists and has UTF-8 BOM mv $F $F.bak tail -c +4 $F.bak > $F rm -f $F.bak echo "removed BOM from $F" fi done for file in $(ls -R Documentation/*.rst Documentation/*/*.rst Documentation/*.txt); do sed -i '1s/^/\xef\xbb\xbf/' "$file"; done Run unit tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: bash cd web/typo3conf/ext/beautyofcode composer install cd .Build bash ./run_tests.sh