.. include:: ../Includes.txt .. _routingEnhancer: Routing enhancer ================ t3oodle ships routing enhancer configurations, you can include or copy to your site configuration. To import the existing configuration, add this to the top of your site's configuration ``config.yaml``: :: imports: - { resource: 'EXT:t3oodle/Configuration/Routes/Poll.yaml' } Supported routes ---------------- The following routes are defined by t3oodle, you can define your own, if you want to: https://domain.com/path/to/page * **List Action:** ``/`` or ``/123`` (when paginated) * **New Action:** ``/create`` or ``/create-schedule`` or ``/erstellen`` or ``/erstellen-terminfindung`` * **Show Action:** ``/{poll-slug}`` * **Edit Action:** ``/{poll-slug}/edit`` or ``/{poll-slug}/bearbeiten`` * **Delete Action:** ``/{poll-slug}/delete`` or ``/{poll-slug}/loeschen`` * **Reset Action:** ``/{poll-slug}/reset`` or ``/{poll-slug}/zuruecksetzen`` * **Finish Action:** ``/{poll-slug}/finish`` or ``/{poll-slug}/fertigstellen`` * **Finish Suggestion Mode Action:** ``/{poll-slug}/finish-suggestion-mode`` or ``/{poll-slug}/vorschlagen-modus-beenden`` * **Add Suggestion Action:** ``/{poll-slug}/add-suggestion`` or ``/{poll-slug}/vorschlag-erstellen`` All static parts of routes are implemented by ``LocaleModifier`` aspect, to provide translations. .. note:: Caution when editing the site configuration ``config.yaml`` proper indention is required!