
What does it do?

This extension provides some usefull tools in the “Admin tools” section of the backend of TYPO3. Currently it contains 5 tools for extensions, files, images and links.

Tool 1: shows you all pages where you use extensions. You can see where you use which extension. You can search for non-extensions too, e.g. if you set Ctype=’mailform’.

Tool 2: you can extract an uploaded zip-file in the fileadmin-folder. Useful if you have no SSH connection.

Tool 3: helps you to delete unused files. Go to “Admin tools” → DB check” → “Database Relations” to find files which you can delete. This tool helps you to delete these files.

Tool 4: helps you to find pages that link to another page. You can find any content element with a link to a specific page.

Tool 5: helps you to find images with no title- oder alternative-text. This tool can set that values for you too.

Tool 6: you can import simple redirect rules form your .htaccess to the table sys_redirect.


Some screenshots from the backend module.

Resized Screenshot 1 of the Backendtools
Resized Screenshot 2 of the Backendtools
Resized Screenshot 3 of the Backendtools
Screenshot 4 of the Backendtools

Made in…

Thanks to the fixpunkt werbeagentur gmbh, Bonn for giving me the possibility to realize this extension and share it with the TYPO3 community.