.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _fluidtypo3-vhs-format-pregreplace: ================== format.pregReplace ================== PregReplace regular expression ViewHelper ========================================= Implementation of `preg_replace` for Fluid. Arguments ========= .. _format.pregreplace_subject: subject ------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` String to match with the regex pattern or patterns .. _format.pregreplace_pattern: pattern ------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Regex pattern to match against .. _format.pregreplace_replacement: replacement ----------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` String to replace matches with .. _format.pregreplace_as: as -- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Template variable name to assign; if not specified the ViewHelper returns the variable instead.