.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _fluidtypo3-vhs-or: == or == If content is empty use alternative text (can also be LLL:labelname shortcut or LLL:EXT: file paths). Arguments ========= .. _or_content: content ------- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Input to either use, if not empty .. _or_alternative: alternative ----------- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Alternative if content is empty, can use LLL: shortcut .. _or_arguments: arguments --------- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Arguments to be replaced in the resulting string .. _or_extensionname: extensionName ------------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` UpperCamelCase extension name without vendor prefix