.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _fluidtypo3-vhs-security-allow: ============== security.allow ============== Security: Allow =============== Allows access to the child content based on given arguments. The ViewHelper is a condition based ViewHelper which means it supports the `f:then` and `f:else` child nodes - you can use this behaviour to invert the access (i.e. use f:else in a check if a frontend user is logged in, if you want to hide content from authenticated users): :: Is the mirror opposite of `v:security.deny`. Arguments ========= .. _security.allow_then: then ---- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Value to be returned if the condition if met. .. _security.allow_else: else ---- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Value to be returned if the condition if not met. .. _security.allow_anyfrontenduser: anyFrontendUser --------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If TRUE, allows any FrontendUser unless other arguments disallows each specific FrontendUser .. _security.allow_anyfrontendusergroup: anyFrontendUserGroup -------------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If TRUE, allows any FrontendUserGroup unless other arguments disallows each specific FrontendUser .. _security.allow_frontenduser: frontendUser ------------ :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` The FrontendUser to allow/deny .. _security.allow_frontendusers: frontendUsers ------------- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` The FrontendUsers ObjectStorage to allow/deny .. _security.allow_frontendusergroup: frontendUserGroup ----------------- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` The FrontendUserGroup to allow/deny .. _security.allow_frontendusergroups: frontendUserGroups ------------------ :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` The FrontendUserGroups ObjectStorage to allow/deny .. _security.allow_anybackenduser: anyBackendUser -------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If TRUE, allows any backend user unless other arguments disallows each specific backend user .. _security.allow_backenduser: backendUser ----------- :aspect:`DataType` integer :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` The uid of a backend user to allow/deny .. _security.allow_backendusers: backendUsers ------------ :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` The backend users list to allow/deny. If string, CSV of uids assumed, if array, array of uids assumed .. _security.allow_backendusergroup: backendUserGroup ---------------- :aspect:`DataType` integer :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` The uid of the backend user group to allow/deny .. _security.allow_backendusergroups: backendUserGroups ----------------- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` The backend user groups list to allow/deny. If string, CSV of uids is assumed, if array, array of uids is assumed .. _security.allow_admin: admin ----- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If TRUE, a backend user which is also an admin is required .. _security.allow_evaluationtype: evaluationType -------------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'AND' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Specify AND or OR (case sensitive) to determine how arguments must be processed. Default is AND, requiring all arguments to be satisfied if used