Release: 2.3.3 (2015/05/20)¶
2015-05-20 [BUGFIX] AlternateViewHelper should include a link to current language (Commit 0c7c5d9 by Matthias Zaunseder)
2015-04-30 [FEATURE] Implement word wrap viewhelper (Commit 71e195c by Björn Fromme)
2015-05-11 [BUGFIX] Fix misspelling (Commit 5cac863 by Charles Coleman)
2015-05-11 [BUGFIX] Update website reference (Commit 362699c by Charles Coleman)
2015-04-28 [BUGFIX] Unexpected early return from v:or when alternative not string (Commit 18b63ad by Claus Due)
2015-04-22 [BUGFIX] Fix problem about iterator.random viewhelper wich never return objects anymore. (Commit 5e0bdd8 by Grégory Copin)
2015-04-21 [BUGFIX] Typo in name of extended class (Commit 4cce283 by Björn Fromme)
2015-04-18 [FEATURE] Add “whitespaceBetweenHtmlTags” option to EliminateViewhelper (Commit f78600a by Roland Waldner)
2015-04-16 [BUGFIX] Do not group by uid (Commit a1b6fb2 by Andreas Fernandez)
2015-04-08 [BUGFIX] Return correct value if called without arguments (Commit 3241fc3 by loco8878)
Generated by:
git log --since="2015/04/15" --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' \
--date=short | egrep '(\[FEATURE|BUGFIX|REMOVAL\])+'`
Full list of changes:…2.3.3
Please note: the change list above does not contain any TASK commits since they are considered infrastructure-only and not relevant to end users. The full list includes these!