Release: 4.1.0 (2017/03/05)

  • 2017-03-05 [FEATURE] Raise maximum supported TYPO3 version to 8.6 (Commit f47b867 by Claus Due)

  • 2017-02-22 [BUGFIX] Respect absRefPrefix in FE mode (#1249) (Commit 5435e53 by Sascha Marcel Schmidt)

  • 2017-02-08 [BUGFIX] Set escaping behavior in Media ViewHelpers (Commit 39d2932 by monosize)

  • 2017-02-20 [BUGFIX] Set escapeChildren in Count ViewHelpers (#1233) (Commit 78443ff by Frank Rakow)

  • 2017-02-19 [FEATURE] Add onlyProperties parameter to v:resource.file (#1255) (Commit a82fb35 by pkerling)

  • 2017-02-11 [BUGFIX] Set escaping behavior in Render ViewHelpers (#1232) (Commit 18d9bbf by Frank Rakow)

  • 2017-02-11 [BUGFIX] Set escaping behavior in Asset ViewHelpers (#1239) (Commit f490b9a by Frank Rakow)

  • 2017-02-08 [BUGFIX] Set escaping behavior in Form ViewHelpers (Commit 1261eb5 by monosize)

  • 2017-02-08 [BUGFIX] Set escaping behavior in Content ViewHelpers and change type casting from intval() to (integer) (Commit a754096 by monosize)

  • 2017-02-08 [BUGFIX] Set escaping behavior in Context ViewHelpers (Commit 2679897 by monosize)

  • 2017-02-08 [BUGFIX] Set escaping behavior in Vhs ViewHelpers (Commit b53fc30 by monosize)

  • 2017-02-11 [BUGFIX] Don’t call $renderChildrenClosure() if content was cached (#1248) (Commit c6a4927 by Frank Rakow)

  • 2017-02-11 [BUGFIX] Set escaping behavior in Math ViewHelpers (#1230) (Commit ffe5dc6 by Frank Rakow)

  • 2017-02-11 [BUGFIX] Define $escapeChildren on Iterator ViewHelpers (#1226) (Commit 0e2e366 by Frank Rakow)

  • 2017-02-09 [BUGFIX] Skip empty page records in list menu (#1247) (Commit 6363323 by Björn Fromme)

  • 2017-02-09 [BUGFIX] Missings “arguments” in RequestViewHelper (#1243) (Commit 5ebb9ac by Philippe Court)

  • 2017-02-09 [BUGFIX] Respect showAccessRestrictedPages for submenu (#1245) (Commit 963bab7 by Morten Pless)

  • 2017-02-08 [BUGFIX] Set escaping behavior in Variable ViewHelpers (#1227) (Commit 590301a by Frank Rakow)

  • 2017-02-07 [BUGFIX] Set escapeOutput on Iterator ViewHelpers (#1225) (Commit 70059be by Frank Rakow)

  • 2017-02-01 [BUGFIX] Ignore pageUid if using contentUids (#1221) (Commit dc260c6 by Frank Rakow)

  • 2017-01-28 [FEATURE] Raise supported TYPO3 version (Commit c2ace93 by Claus Due)

Generated by:

git log --since="2017/01/28" --until="2017/03/05" --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' \
    --date=short | egrep '(\[FEATURE|BUGFIX|REMOVAL\])+'`

Full list of changes:…4.1.0

Please note: the change list above does not contain any TASK commits since they are considered infrastructure-only and not relevant to end users. The full list includes these!