Release: 6.0.4 (2020/09/22)

  • 2020-08-27 [BUGFIX] Support chain notation for PregMatchViewHelper subject (#1683) (Commit 9823d76a by Mathias Brodala)

  • 2020-08-19 [BUGFIX] Prevent calling deprecated TemplateService->init() (#1661) (Commit 4305c9ab by Nicole Cordes)

  • 2020-08-19 [BUGFIX] Fix rootline to filter correct by pageUid (#1681) (Commit 55df922e by dev-rke)

  • 2020-06-05 [BUGFIX] Replaced Deprecated PATH_site Constant, Updated Utility Func… (#1657) (Commit 38752ac3 by masonen)

Generated by:

git log --since="2020/06/02" --until="2020/09/22" --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' \
    --date=short | egrep '(\[FEATURE|BUGFIX|REMOVAL\])+'`

Full list of changes:…6.0.4

Please note: the change list above does not contain any TASK commits since they are considered infrastructure-only and not relevant to end users. The full list includes these!