.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. converted from Markdown: pandoc --from markdown --to rst 2.0.0.md -o 2.0.0.rst Release: 2.0.0 (2014/09/05) --------------------------- - 2014-09-04 [BUGFIX] If there’s only one page in menu also add the lastClass to the item (Commit bc09143 by Daniel Dorndorf) - 2014-09-04 [FEATURE] Restore slideCollect on v:content.\* (Commit 5fbf554 by Claus Due) - 2014-09-02 [FEATURE] Workspace support in menus (Commit 1146b2d by Claus Due) - 2014-09-02 [BUGFIX] Forced no_cache makes TS assets not build (Commit dd798e2 by Claus Due) - 2014-08-28 [BUGFIX] Argument has to be optional to allow use of tag children (Commit 753cc7d by Benjamin Rau) - 2014-08-26 [BUGFIX] Security ViewHelper - Add functionality for argument “frontendUsers” (Commit 42a5835 by Christian Albrecht) - 2014-08-25 [BUGFIX] Switch to cache insertion hook right before DB save (Commit 814f3a7 by Claus Due) - 2014-08-25 [BUGFIX] Incorrect hooks used for uncached content replacement (Commit 6735355 by Claus Due) - 2014-05-27 [FEATURE] Add CollectionViewHelper (Commit f439934 by Dmitri Pisarev) - 2014-07-20 [FEATURE] ViewHelpers to set/get TSFE-registers (Commit e26804b by Stefan Neufeind) - 2014-08-07 [BUGFIX] Cleaner processing of menu titleFields (Commit f069b9b by Claus Due) - 2014-08-06 [FEATURE] Option on Content ViewHelpers to render section index (Commit 1f8a791 by Claus Due) - 2014-08-06 [BUGFIX] Adapt to changed array indexes (Commit 5516227 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-08-05 [BUGFIX] Correct targetNamespace in XSD schema (Commit 04d7608 by Claus Due) - 2014-08-05 [BUGFIX] Incorrect use of grouping in content fetching (Commit 84a6686 by Claus Due) - 2014-08-05 [BUGFIX] PageSelect root line cache key ignores reverse instruction (Commit c62d3bc by Claus Due) - 2014-07-25 [BUGFIX] Don’t create links from spacers (Commit c7c0212 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-07-23 [BUGFIX] Avoid path conflicts on CSS assets (Commit d576320 by Claus Due) - 2014-06-27 [BUGFIX] Ensure unique ids of nested menus (Commit c336e69 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-06-04 [BUGFIX] Wrong condition for checking Url (Commit d34d859 by Michael Staatz) - 2014-05-29 [BUGFIX] Test loginUser before frontendUserRepository (Commit a9913d7 by Rémy DANIEL) - 2014-06-23 [FEATURE] Add argument with page uid for building language menu. (Commit cbb7093 by Anton Danilov) - 2014-07-20 [BUGFIX] Avoid path conflicts on CSS assets (Commit 6737146 by Ludwig Rafelsberger) - 2014-07-19 [BUGFIX] Ensure valid arguments for array_chunk (Commit dbed821 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-07-09 [BUGFIX] Incorrect variable container index (Commit 660723d by Björn Fromme) - 2014-06-26 [BUGFIX] Fix broken flags argument in SortViewHelper (Commit c81d162 by Marc Neuhaus) - 2014-06-27 [BUGFIX] Ensure unique ids of nested menus (Commit 288f2a0 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-06-15 [FEATURE] Add iterator.keys ViewHelper (Commit ebabd3b by Stefan Neufeind) - 2014-06-12 [BUGFIX] Hotfix class alias map for Typoscript VHs (Commit ebfb776 by Cedric Ziel) - 2014-06-09 [BUGFIX] Provide TSFE in v:format.case in BE BE doesn’t provide $GLOBALS[‘TSFE’]->csConvObj and format caseViewhelper relays on it (Commit 16fc761 by Xaver Maierhofer) - 2014-06-11 [BUGFIX] Corrected namespace import for ResourceUtility (Commit cbd3b7f by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-06-07 [BUGFIX] Remove already defined Arguments from PdfThumbnailViewHelper (Commit 911bc98 by Xaver Maierhofer) - 2014-06-06 [BUGFIX] Don’t show hidden (inactive) pages in menus (Commit 61b0ef3 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-06-05 [BUGFIX] Add form scope to class alias map (Commit 55579a4 by Cedric Ziel) - 2014-06-04 [BUGFIX] Wrong condition for checking Url (Commit d6f7769 by Michael Staatz) - 2014-05-29 [BUGFIX] Test loginUser before frontendUserRepository (Commit fd232d0 by Rémy DANIEL) - 2014-06-02 [BUGFIX] Incorrect return value from Resource / Record / Fal ViewHelper (Commit 5971087 by Claus Due) - 2014-06-02 [BUGFIX] Merge the fal properties correctly #595 (Commit 78b8ceb by mhirdes) - 2014-06-02 [BUGFIX] Incorrect return value from Resource / Record / Fal ViewHelper (Commit 89baf38 by Claus Due) - 2014-06-02 [BUGFIX] Merge the fal properties correctly #595 (Commit f578e2d by mhirdes) - 2014-06-02 [BUGFIX] Use created rendering context for rendering stack (Commit 0cbb2c0 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-06-02 [BUGFIX] Use created rendering context for rendering stack (Commit 8e78168 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-06-01 [BUGFIX] Remote URL condition was always false (Commit edaf0e8 by Xaver Maierhofer) - 2014-06-01 [FEATURE] Add unsupported browser message #584 (Commit b599de2 by Xaver Maierhofer) - 2014-06-01 [FEATURE] Add Media/AudioViewhelper. The attributes like video without a playback screen (Commit 3e3bdfa by Xaver Maierhofer) - 2014-05-31 [BUGFIX] Allow negative values for entryLevel according to TSRef (Commit 8cb77e8 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-06-01 [BUGFIX] Support mapping between file extensions and mime-type in Media Video Viewhelper #583 (Commit e4d87a5 by Xaver Maierhofer) - 2014-06-01 [BUGFIX] Remote URL condition was always false (Commit 2ab22ba by Xaver Maierhofer) - 2014-06-01 [BUGFIX] Match all remote sources incl CDN (spdy) #586 (Commit 7eb2245 by Xaver Maierhofer) - 2014-06-01 [BUGFIX] Support mapping between file extensions and mime-type in Media Video Viewhelper #583 (Commit 1975895 by Xaver Maierhofer) - 2014-05-31 [BUGFIX] Allow negative values for entryLevel according to TSRef (Commit ae2354c by Björn Fromme) - 2014-05-10 [BUGFIX] No early return on empty menu in deferred rendering mode (Commit 5fa7969 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-05-04 [BUGFIX] Don’t re-dispatch content-length with active BE sessions (Commit c8713a6 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-05-03 [BUGFIX] Use page uid for overlay (Commit ff05dd8 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-05-01 [BUGFIX] Menu vh must respect language_mode (Commit 620fec7 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-05-01 [BUGFIX] Don’t re-dispatch content-length in debug mode (Commit 63cb325 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-04-29 [BUGFIX] Merge with add file and file reference properties (Commit f77b01a by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-04-28 [BUGFIX] Use charset when formatting (Commit f4f4484 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-04-21 [BUGFIX] Re-dispatch Content-length header after change (Commit e0ff98e by Claus Due) - 2014-04-19 [BUGFIX] Make rendering stack pop correctly in uncached rendering (Commit ec201a7 by Claus Due) - 2014-04-14 [BUGFIX] Properly support boolean|integer returns in Iterator Conditions (Commit b6b7303 by Claus Due) - 2014-04-04 [BUGFIX] Fix cgl cleanup introduced bugs (Commit 7c8bb68 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-04-02 [BUGFIX] Path to template in doc-comments non standard-conform (Commit 1d538c2 by Benjamin Rau) - 2014-04-11 [BUGFIX] Complete array returned for fileReference (Commit 242cc4e by Benjamin Rau) - 2014-04-10 [BUGFIX] Localized metadata overlay on fal (Commit e21d673 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-04-04 [BUGFIX] DateRange does not respect timezone (Commit 434ab55 by ste101) - 2014-04-02 [BUGFIX] Pull in metadata with fal 6.2 (Commit 4cb2ad3 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-04-01 [BUGFIX] Expire assets by mtime instead of unlink (Commit c55aa2e by Claus Due) - 2014-03-31 [BUGFIX] Old closing tag used in doc-comments (Commit cbb7d6b by Benjamin Rau) - 2014-03-24 [BUGFIX] Respect nav_hide after filling menu item (Commit 476eae7 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-03-31 [BUGFIX] Fix behavior of useShortcut\* attributes on menus (Commit b429675 by Claus Due) - 2014-03-26 [BUGFIX] Rearranged submenu cleanup (Commit 399b2e4 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-06-01 [BUGFIX] Match all remote sources incl CDN (spdy) #586 (Commit 15dfd8d by Xaver Maierhofer) - 2014-05-10 [BUGFIX] No early return on empty menu in deferred rendering mode (Commit 6a07e01 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-05-04 [BUGFIX] Don’t re-dispatch content-length with active BE sessions (Commit 99d4aca by Björn Fromme) - 2014-05-03 [BUGFIX] Use page uid for overlay (Commit 049ec07 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-05-01 [BUGFIX] Allow sysfolder as subpages in vhs menu helpers (Commit 76ef56b by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-05-01 [BUGFIX] Menu vh must respect language_mode (Commit 1328f77 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-05-01 [BUGFIX] Don’t re-dispatch content-length in debug mode (Commit 53b47ad by Björn Fromme) - 2014-04-29 [BUGFIX] Merge with add file and file reference properties (Commit 9b63608 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-04-28 [BUGFIX] Use charset when formatting (Commit 09c3ad8 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-04-27 [BUGFIX] Ensure types in condition (Commit 86dd2b5 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-04-21 [BUGFIX] Re-dispatch Content-length header after change (Commit e41bf57 by Claus Due) - 2014-04-19 [BUGFIX] Make rendering stack pop correctly in uncached rendering (Commit 62b00e0 by Claus Due) - 2014-04-15 [FEATURE] Implement a proper caching framework cache (Commit e9ce10c by Claus Due) - 2014-04-14 [FEATURE] Added Bower support (Commit 259e293 by Joschi Kuphal) - 2014-04-14 [BUGFIX] Properly support boolean|integer returns in Iterator Conditions (Commit 447087c by Claus Due) - 2014-04-04 [BUGFIX] Fix cgl cleanup introduced bugs (Commit 7978eeb by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-04-02 [BUGFIX] Path to template in doc-comments non standard-conform (Commit 1caae84 by Benjamin Rau) - 2014-04-13 [FEATURE] Add attribute “quality” for target file quality (Commit f4d36a4 by Benjamin Rau) - 2014-02-20 [FEATURE] Add attribute “format” for target file format (Commit db6d54f by Frank Gerards) - 2014-04-11 [FEATURE] ViewHelper to access data of current CE record (Commit b208929 by Benjamin Rau) - 2014-04-11 [BUGFIX] Complete array returned for fileReference (Commit 1bef302 by Benjamin Rau) - 2014-04-10 [BUGFIX] Localized metadata overlay on fal (Commit 15696d8 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-04-04 [BUGFIX] DateRange does not respect timezone (Commit de77e3e by ste101) - 2014-04-02 [BUGFIX] Pull in metadata with fal 6.2 (Commit 8f8d9a6 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-04-01 [BUGFIX] Expire assets by mtime instead of unlink (Commit cef166a by Claus Due) - 2014-03-31 [BUGFIX] Old closing tag used in doc-comments (Commit 85a8bfb by Benjamin Rau) - 2014-03-24 [BUGFIX] Respect nav_hide after filling menu item (Commit 3db7961 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-03-31 [BUGFIX] Fix behavior of useShortcut\* attributes on menus (Commit 1a98331 by Claus Due) - 2014-03-26 [BUGFIX] Rearranged submenu cleanup (Commit 054d8c4 by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-03-23 [BUGFIX] Make default menu behavior use shortcut UID (Commit d0707e7 by Claus Due) - 2014-03-21 [BUGFIX] Cast to boolean before type-strict comparison (Commit 12c6fc3 by Claus Due) - 2014-03-08 [FEATURE] Cookie-less domain prefix setting (Commit 5b9807e by Claus Due) - 2014-02-28 [BUGFIX] Allow for filter value 0 (Commit 1d6bb96 by Cedric Ziel) - 2014-02-20 [BUGFIX] Removed prefix slash from namespaces class strings (Commit f01dcae by Danilo Bürger) - 2014-02-02 [BUGFIX] Do not pass empty parseFuncTSPath - if empty use core’s default (Commit e3a8c68 by Claus Due) - 2014-01-16 [BUGFIX] Prevent infinite loop (Commit e8869e9 by Björn Fromme) - 2014-01-05 [BUGFIX] Use pageSelector for calling method getRootLine (Commit 8b6064d by Claus Due) - 2014-01-03 [FEATURE] Add viewhelper to render tt_content records (Commit 60043c3 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-12-24 [BUGFIX] Added link wizard links back in (Commit f67ac72 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-12-23 [FEATURE] Sort resources by foreign ordering (Commit 3057461 by Cedric Ziel) - 2013-12-16 [FEATURE] Added pageTitleAs to page.link vh, clean up (Commit 0c03d75 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-12-16 [FEATURE] Defaults for hidePageForLanguageUid (Commit e86fb38 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-12-16 [FEATURE] Use MP by default in RootLine (Commit 54c35bf by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-12-16 [BUGFIX] Use property not local variable (Commit 5295ac8 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-07-05 [BUGFIX] Enable CSV logging of phploc (Commit b2cbe69 by Cedric Ziel) - 2013-07-05 [FEATURE][WIP] Ant build script for easier local, automated testing. (Commit b306baf by Cedric Ziel) - 2013-12-16 [FEATURE] Iterator.intersect view helper (Commit c9e9f2d by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-12-16 [BUGFIX] Fixed uncache (Commit 98699ba by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-12-14 [FEATURE] Uncache vh (Commit 0cb725b by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-12-14 [BUGFIX] Make media.size chainable (Commit 4ab147c by Cedric Ziel) - 2013-12-13 [FEATURE] Resources.image as with image info (Commit b8a455e by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-12-11 [FEATURE] Rootline view helper (Commit cdab38f by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-12-06 [BUGFIX] LinkViewHelper should respect tag-content in translations (Commit 6119283 by Cedric Ziel) - 2013-12-01 [BUGFIX] Correct order of included assets (Commit 6c7f04e by Björn Fromme) - 2013-12-01 [BUGFIX] Languages argument can be left empty (Commit 2f46cc5 by Cedric Ziel) - 2013-11-28 [FEATURE] Add PDF thumbnail viewhelper (Commit 2bb7515 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-11-25 [FEATURE] Add ‘rewrite’ argument (Commit 078d84f by Björn Fromme) - 2013-11-24 [BUGFIX] V:if should respect operator precedence (Commit 06b3c68 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-11-24 [BUGFIX] Get absRefPrefix (Commit aa9e4c0 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-11-24 [BUGFIX] Respect global TypoScript asset configuration (Commit 547a81b by Björn Fromme) - 2013-11-23 [BUGFIX] Fix null $rows (Commit f503dc5 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-11-23 [FEATURE] ViewHelper Debug ViewHelper (Commit 20f6667 by Claus Due) - 2013-11-22 [FEATURE] Set indexed doc title to title optionally (Commit 5d2bc56 by Nikolas Hagelstein) - 2013-11-21 [FEATURE] Added backup / restore of variables to utility (Commit 728c1c8 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-11-21 [FEATURE] Added v:if, deprecating v:if.condition / v:if.condition.extend (Commit 691c9f5 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-11-16 [BUGFIX] Fixed iteration array (Commit 3abbb9a by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-11-16 [FEATURE] Added record view helper (Commit c773c45 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-11-16 [FEATURE] Added ability to select resource via uid and reference uid (Commit 0d7e645 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-11-16 [FEATURE] Added ability to turn off page title inclusion on anchor title (Commit f2de152 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-11-15 [BUGFIX] Pass menu entries through htmlspecialchars (Commit ed30b98 by Rémy DANIEL) - 2013-11-08 [BUGFIX] Correctly treat overwrite setting of assets (Commit 2267ae9 by Ludwig Rafelsberger) - 2013-11-07 [FEATURE] Add raw array/iterator key support to Var / Get ViewHelper (Commit a1f6f3f by Claus Due) - 2013-11-06 [FEATURE] ViewHelperUtility for reusable methods (Commit ed15bec by Claus Due) - 2013-11-05 [FEATURE] Iterator / Filter ViewHelper (Commit e48bb73 by Claus Due) - 2013-11-03 [FEATURE] Allow v:var.set to set properties on arrays and objects (Commit 0dce27d by Claus Due) - 2013-11-02 [BUGFIX] Detect TYPO3 version for classname comparison (Commit 058c19d by Björn Fromme) - 2013-11-01 [BUGFIX] Force type integer on timestamps for natural sorting (Commit 81ab178 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-10-30 [FEATURE] Added categories argument for FAL vhs (Commit 1c5eb21 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-11-01 [BUGFIX] Fixed endless loop if step is misused (Commit fbd5a87 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-10-29 [FEATURE] Added FAL vhs (Commit 7de5f54 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-10-28 [BUGFIX] Fixed bleeding of as in v:page.info (Commit 1860ca7 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-10-28 [FEATURE] Added or view helper (Commit d1323db by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-10-27 [FEATURE] Adding LanguageViewHelper (Commit 72ad825 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-10-27 [FEATURE] Added alternate view helper (Commit dfcc95a by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-10-27 [BUGFIX] Remove LF from iterators (Commit 0a0e3b1 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-10-24 [BUGFIX] Call to function that does not exist (Commit fb151b1 by Claus Due) - 2013-10-16 [FEATURE] Added v:page.header.canonical to render canonical tag (Commit 3e3b6a0 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-10-16 [FEATURE] Added v:iterator.for, improved v:iterator.loop (Commit 2901aa8 by Danilo Bürger) - 2013-10-15 [BUGFIX] Avoid double inclusion when dealing with PHP < 5.3.7 (Commit 9d67575 by ilomedia) - 2013-10-16 [BUGFIX] Allow for passing first argument of math viewhelpers via chained inline notation (Commit 99a8980 by Mathias Brodala) - 2013-09-25 [FEATURE] Chunk ViewHelper (Commit f460a74 by Benjamin Rau) - 2013-10-08 [BUGFIX] Fix missing parameter which causes the child element not to be appended. (Commit c892551 by Thomas Off) - 2013-10-05 [BUGFIX] Special treatment for raw assets (Commit 59cfc41 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-10-04 [BUGFIX] Avoid overwriting of menu items with same page uid (Commit ecb5cdf by Björn Fromme) - 2013-09-29 [BUGFIX] Fix ‘as’ argument (Commit 6fd4bc6 by Cedric Ziel) - 2013-09-29 [BUGFIX] Var / Convert used incorrect ObjectStorage check and conversion (Commit 9165ecc by Claus Due) - 2013-09-29 [BUGFIX] Ensure consistent return type in Math / Range ViewHelper (Commit 353cc6d by Claus Due) - 2013-09-29 [BUGFIX] Math / Median uses incorrect slicing point and midpoint calculation (Commit 50f647e by Claus Due) - 2013-09-29 [BUGFIX] Multiple Math ViewHelpers performed Iterator access check on non-Iterators (Commit 78acc83 by Claus Due) - 2013-09-29 [BUGFIX] Multiple Math ViewHelpers used incorrect value when $a is Iterator (Commit 8dc2902 by Claus Due) - 2013-09-29 [BUGFIX] Single Math ViewHelpers used incorrect value when $a is Iterator (Commit c14663c by Claus Due) - 2013-09-29 [BUGFIX] Abstract Iterator returns FALSE if item is in position zero (Commit a020c84 by Claus Due) - 2013-09-29 [BUGFIX] Use PREG_SET_ORDER on preg_match_all (Commit bba8fa2 by Claus Due) - 2013-09-29 [BUGFIX] Use ctype_digit instead of is_numeric (Commit 1e8fc8d by Claus Due) - 2013-09-25 [FEATURE] Chunk ViewHelper (Commit 4d3be34 by Benjamin Rau) - 2013-09-25 [FEATURE] Add isLanguage ViewHelper (Commit 925a5b8 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-09-13 [BUGFIX] Enable setting of tagName in LanguageMenuViewHelper (Commit 9956e7f by Florin Peter) - 2013-09-13 [FEATURE] Format / RegularExpression ViewHelper (Commit ad21895 by Claus Due) - 2013-08-29 [BUGFIX] Pass paths through getFileAbsFilename to resolve EXT: prefix (Commit 721c261 by Benjamin Rau) - 2013-08-26 [FEATURE] Add minimal composer.json (Commit 9546125 by Cedric Ziel) - 2013-08-22 [BUGFIX] Changed order of arguments in AppendViewHelper to support renderChildren (Commit 213786b by Benjamin Rau) - 2013-08-22 [BUGFIX] Changed order of arguments in PrependViewHelper to support renderChildren (Commit d7ca0b0 by Benjamin Rau) - 2013-08-19 [BUGFIX] Fix missing dollar sign in string-cast (Commit b796b1d by Cedric Ziel) - 2013-08-17 [FEATURE] Implement parsing of additional parameters (Commit 26d4fed by Björn Fromme) - 2013-08-17 [BUGFIX] Proper treatment of external and standalone assets (Commit 8d467ce by Björn Fromme) - 2013-08-12 [FEATURE] Add additional case formatters to Format / Case (Commit 6d487b7 by Claus Due) - 2013-08-06 [BUGFIX] Use local variable (Commit fc8eded by Björn Fromme) - 2013-08-06 [BUGFIX] Add missing method (Commit 6082a4b by Björn Fromme) - 2013-07-19 [BUGFIX] Fix monkey on keyboard (Commit a8ac426 by Cedric Ziel) - 2013-07-11 [FEATURE] Add form field name viewhelper (Commit 5cfd7b9 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-08-05 [BUGFIX] Respect fluid argument for standalone assets (Commit 513b0a3 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-08-05 [BUGFIX] Correct condition (Commit a7ec8ef by Björn Fromme) - 2013-07-25 [FEATURE] Create UniqId ViewHelper (Commit e821b86 by Cedric Ziel) - 2013-07-23 [BUGFIX] Missing vendorName property in ViewHelper (Commit 88f5caa by Peter Jaraczewski) - 2013-07-17 [BUGFIX] Render AbstractRenderViewHelper inject wrong namespace pattern (Commit 82e05e3 by Cedric Ziel) - 2013-07-15 [BUGFIX] Prevent PHP warning when saving in BE (Commit ff865c0 by Rémy DANIEL) - 2013-07-16 [BUGFIX] Ensure replacement of assets paths (Commit 2fe6d9e by Björn Fromme) - 2013-07-11 [BUGFIX] Support Lazy ObjectStorage as sortBy in iterator.sort (Commit a722a3d by Claus Due) - 2013-07-11 [FEATURE] Enable renderChildren() to override linktext (Commit c1a228a by Björn Fromme) - 2013-07-08 [BUGFIX] Tx_Extbase_Object_ObjectManagerInterface::create() is deprecated (Commit 62ddda8 by Matthias Gugel) - 2013-07-06 [BUGFIX] AbstractContentVH returned content record AND the translation (Commit 0107d83 by Matthias Gugel) - 2013-07-04 [FEATURE] Option to exclude display of untranslated content (Commit 1c69921 by Claus Due) - 2013-07-04 [BUGFIX] Restore default name “rootLine” in breadcrumb “as” argument (Commit d8674e9 by Claus Due) - 2013-07-04 [BUGFIX] Check if linked asset exists before copying to avoid PHP warnings (Commit 0791d15 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-07-03 [BUGFIX] Do not reset “is parent” state after sub menu renders (Commit 0c365eb by Claus Due) - 2013-07-03 [BUGFIX] Fix exposure to “duplicate variables” issue in sub menu VH (Commit 418f384 by Claus Due) - 2013-07-02 [BUGFIX] Override default value for argument ‘as’ in deferred menu ViewHelper (Commit e7d78fe by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-30 [BUGFIX] Early return when zero Assets have been added (Commit ef6278c by Claus Due) - 2013-06-30 [BUGFIX] Ensure global assets array exists (Commit b8236e4 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-29 [FEATURE] Add page link ViewHelper (Commit 096c6fa by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-27 [BUGFIX] Checksum gets lost when processing dependencies (Commit 3d004d6 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-26 [BUGFIX] Use provided variables’ checksum as name part (Commit 8a6a2af by Claus Due) - 2013-06-26 [BUGFIX] Correct destination path for copying assets (Commit 7fa8404 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-25 [BUGFIX] Support edge-case URLs of secondary Asset files (Commit 0d5af35 by Claus Due) - 2013-06-25 [BUGFIX] Correct parsing of argument doktypes (Commit b6f04f2 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-25 [BUGFIX] Respect argument showHidden when detecting subpages (Commit c359a3b by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-25 [BUGFIX] Relocate fetching of “as” on DeferredMenu (Commit 0714fea by Claus Due) - 2013-06-24 [BUGFIX] Detect subpages using original page UID (Commit 6edbe22 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-23 [BUGFIX] Early return in LanguageMenu ViewHelper if BE or missing object (Commit a00cbad by Claus Due) - 2013-06-23 [BUGFIX] Inject missing ConfigurationManager in Render / Request (Commit ba610df by Claus Due) - 2013-06-22 [FEATURE] Attribute “as” on all menu ViewHelpers (Commit c3c7b31 by Claus Due) - 2013-06-22 [BUGFIX] Update ext_autoload.php (Commit 3c12ecc by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-21 [FEATURE] Add non-wrapping mode for menus (Commit 19df5ff by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-18 [BUGFIX] Use original page UID to determine ‘active’ state (Commit 845a160 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-17 [BUGFIX] Remove improper use of static property (Commit 884091d by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-17 [BUGFIX] Fix copied code (Commit f6eab63 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-17 [BUGFIX] Ensure instanciation of Object- and ConfigurationManagers (Commit 397272f by Claus Due) - 2013-06-13 [FEATURE] Add page info ViewHelper (Commit 19424d3 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-12 [BUGFIX] Solve grandfather paradox in page shortcut treatment (Commit 23878f7 by Claus Due) - 2013-06-12 [BUGFIX] Stop TypoScript Assets from being included twice (Commit 300d6f2 by Claus Due) - 2013-06-12 [BUGFIX] Reset build complete status for uncached Asset run (Commit be24019 by Claus Due) - 2013-06-12 [BUGFIX] Avoid warnings on non-array TS configuration (Commit d78f7ec by Claus Due) - 2013-06-12 [FEATURE] Add argument useShortcutUid (Commit 9e29192 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-12 [BUGFIX] Correct handling of page UID (Commit 719ce2b by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-12 [BUGFIX] Correct behavior of useShortcutData and useShortcutTarget (Commit 2d20614 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-09 [BUGFIX] Restore manually created instances necessary for cached operation (Commit 6b75314 by Claus Due) - 2013-06-09 [FEATURE] Allow Assets to be created from URL using static factory (Commit 51bdc70 by Claus Due) - 2013-06-09 [BUGFIX] Add chaining to setSettings method (Commit fb4f47f by Claus Due) - 2013-06-09 [FEATURE] Just-in-time Asset inclusion from TypoScript if not defined elsewhere (Commit 7215619 by Claus Due) - 2013-06-09 [FEATURE] Asset inclusion from PHP using new Asset class Tx_Vhs_Asset (Commit 31d7342 by Claus Due) - 2013-06-11 [FEATURE] Add iterator random element ViewHelper (Commit a4933a3 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-11 [BUGFIX] Don’t consider sysfolders as subpages (Commit 05d49b4 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-10 [BUGFIX] Remove zero based indexed array access (Commit 5b6cb7b by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-10 [FEATURE] Render / Ascii ViewHelper (Commit 9d47347 by Claus Due) - 2013-06-09 [BUGFIX] Incorrect parent class name of two ViewHelpers (Commit 9f0da2a by Claus Due) - 2013-06-06 [FEATURE] Add isDomainObject ViewHelper (Commit c35827c by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-06 [FEATURE] Add isQueryResult ViewHelper (Commit 38d3a88 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-06 [FEATURE] Add isTraversable ViewHelper (Commit dfe25eb by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [FEATURE] Add contains ViewHelper (Commit 7186b99 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [FEATURE] Add isNull ViewHelper (Commit 51c57ff by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [FEATURE] Add isObject ViewHelper (Commit dd6e0c0 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [FEATURE] Add isInteger ViewHelper (Commit f29313c by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [FEATURE] Add isInstanceOf ViewHelper (Commit 0aee69d by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [FEATURE] Add isFloat ViewHelper (Commit c0f3c9b by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [FEATURE] Add isNumeric ViewHelper (Commit 81a7260 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [FEATURE] Add isArray ViewHelper (Commit 030f1f3 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [BUGFIX] Incorrect class names (Commit f4c4abe by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [FEATURE] Add preg ViewHelper (Commit ddc7094 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [FEATURE] Add isLowercase condition ViewHelper (Commit 7c08ffb by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [FEATURE] Add isUppercase condition ViewHelper (Commit 36759b2 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [FEATURE] Add isString condition ViewHelper (Commit 9d16f70 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-05-31 [FEATURE] Add hasSubpages condition ViewHelper (Commit 2328b3b by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-03 [BUGFIX] Incorrect nesting of rendered content (Commit 179938a by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-02 [BUGFIX] Root page is always active with useShortcutData (Commit 1e995a1 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-01 [FEATURE] Add IsChildPage condition ViewHelper (Commit cde9c07 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-06-01 [BUGFIX] Use two-pass handling of deferred menu rendering (Commit 4b344ee by Claus Due) - 2013-06-01 [FEATURE] Deferred menu rendering ViewHelper (Commit ca58411 by Claus Due) - 2013-05-28 [BUGFIX] Avoid unnecessary 4.6+ only method usage (Commit 5bf03b2 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-05-28 [BUGFIX] Use oldschool class name to please 4.5 (Commit efe3b3c by Björn Fromme) - 2013-05-28 [BUGFIX] Method Tx_Vhs_ViewHelpers_Asset_AbstractAssetViewHelper::getContent returns an empty value when using VH tag content (Commit 208356f by ilomedia) - 2013-05-27 [BUGFIX] Name generation for assets buggy on 4.5 (Commit 5718d1c by Claus Due) - 2013-05-27 [BUGFIX] Change check on Asset “path” to cover 4.5 misbehavior (Commit b181deb by Claus Due) - 2013-05-27 [BUGFIX] Fix early return (Commit 20d21f6 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-05-24 [FEATURE] Add date range and interval ViewHelpers (Commit f7a34b7 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-05-23 [FEATURE] Add urlencode/-decode ViewHelpers (Commit 3c9a57a by Björn Fromme) - 2013-05-21 [BUGFIX] Fix path error in Travis script (Commit 50a15a2 by Claus Due) - 2013-05-21 [BUGFIX] Avoid unnecessary 4.6+ only method usage in Condition VH (Commit 923bf6d by Claus Due) - 2013-05-19 [BUGFIX] Proper check for extensionName argument in Extension / Path / Resources VH (Commit 8d92250 by Claus Due) - 2013-05-05 [FEATURE] Uri / Request ViewHelper (Commit a68f985 by Stefano Cecere) - 2013-05-04 [FEATURE] Support expandAll as defined by top parent menu (Commit 00cd287 by Claus Due) - 2013-05-04 [FEATURE] Sub Menu ViewHelper (Commit 53aeb29 by Claus Due) - 2013-04-30 [FEATURE] Add considerKeys as attribute of VH Iterator/Contains (Commit f935835 by Fabien Udriot) - 2013-04-24 [BUGFIX] iterator.container should also search in key of array (Commit 9900ef6 by Fabien Udriot) - 2013-04-29 [FEATURE] Attribute “render” to return records, Content ViewHelper. (Commit 24c8bd6 by Federico Bernardin) - 2013-04-27 [FEATURE] Option to return tt_content records instead of rendered elements (Commit d24dae9 by Federico Bernardin) - 2013-04-24 [BUGFIX] Set “multiple” on Select ViewHelper form argument, not tag attribute (Commit 6ddfe43 by Claus Due) - 2013-04-24 [BUGFIX] Property “multiple” on Select ViewHelper is boolean (Commit f7d1dc1 by Claus Due) - 2013-04-20 [FEATURE] Asset DNS Prefetch ViewHelper (Commit bb2befa by Claus Due) - 2013-04-20 [BUGFIX] Disable cache if positive in Once and Security ViewHelpers (Commit 8782be8 by Claus Due) - 2013-04-20 [BUGFIX] Reverse order \__toString / Domain object id fetch (Commit c40695b by Claus Due) - 2013-04-13 [BUGFIX] SortViewHelper to work with numberic property (Commit 048fc12 by Benjamin Rau) - 2013-04-10 [FEATURE] Add support for query hacks in CSS font urls (Commit 7341b52 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-03-29 [BUGFIX] Fix assignment of query order parameter (Commit b17049f by Björn Fromme) - 2013-03-29 [FEATURE] Add random content viewhelper (Commit e349291 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-04-05 [FEATURE] Rewrite and cache files referenced by CSS files (Commit b64e65b by Claus Due) - 2013-04-05 [FEATURE] Add autoplay option to YouTube ViewHelper (Commit 89121b9 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-03-29 [BUGFIX] Fix implementation of arguments (Commit 97d78bf by Björn Fromme) - 2013-03-29 [FEATURE] Add type convert viewhelper (Commit b7a9953 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-03-28 [FEATURE] Add attribute “fail” on SingleMath ViewHelpers (Commit 1f520f0 by Claus Due) - 2013-03-28 [FEATURE] Add 6.0 compatibility (Commit d6b338f by Björn Fromme) - 2013-03-28 [BUGFIX] Remove duplicate argument initialization (Commit da44aff by Björn Fromme) - 2013-03-26 [FEATURE] Add endLevel parameter on menu ViewHelpers (Commit 8cc37f6 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-03-24 [FEATURE] Allow reading extension name from ControllerContext in Extension ViewHelpers (Commit 2628bca by Claus Due) - 2013-03-24 [FEATURE] Add path attribute on Extension / Path / Resource ViewHelper (Commit e0c74bb by Claus Due) - 2013-03-20 [BUGFIX] Fix missing variable definition (Commit 2ec4183 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-03-18 [BUGFIX] Undesired Asset ViewHelper instance reuse avoided by clone (Commit de01c10 by Claus Due) - 2013-03-17 [FEATURE] Allow getting title of pages from page record, Browse Menu ViewHelper (Commit 6b0dcba by Claus Due) - 2013-03-14 [FEATURE] Add browse menu view helper (Commit 4e8e0bd by Björn Fromme) - 2013-03-11 [BUGFIX] Fix missing rendering of title attribute (Commit 777b34a by Björn Fromme) - 2013-03-06 [BUGFIX] Fix rendering for page.i18n_cfg=2 (Commit c982d90 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-03-03 [BUGFIX] Fix auto rendering of deeper level menus (Commit 5d8076e by Björn Fromme) - 2013-02-27 [FEATURE] Improved localisation/translation ViewHelper (Commit f519127 by Claus Due) - 2013-02-21 [BUGFIX] Return empty string from LanguageMenu ViewHelper if menu is empty (Commit 9b9fe90 by Claus Due) - 2013-02-21 [BUGFIX] Fix syntax error in LanguageMenu ViewHelper (Commit 06f5ae9 by Claus Due) - 2013-02-20 [BUGFIX] Make argument linkCurrent act as documented (Commit d43f992 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-02-20 [BUGFIX] force close tag “script” (Commit 3489f1d by Fabien Udriot) - 2013-02-20 [BUGFIX] Make argument layout act as documented (Commit 14ca12f by Björn Fromme) - 2013-02-20 [BUGFIX] Fixes overwriting of page title as reported in #62 (Commit c8bdf23 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-02-19 [FEATURE] Attribute “divider” on all Menu ViewHelpers (Commit 4d73c98 by Claus Due) - 2013-02-19 [FEATURE] Configurable “use hashed name” for merged Assets file (Commit 3080a0e by Claus Due) - 2013-02-19 [BUGFIX] Fluid Assets overwrites written merged assets (Commit 3bc8a9c by Beda Steinacher) - 2013-02-15 [BUGFIX] Incorrect reference to “doktypes” argument, Menu ViewHelpers (Commit bea45fa by Claus Due) - 2013-02-14 [FEATURE] Attribute to set allowed doktypes in all Menu ViewHelpers (Commit 1eef4fd by Claus Due) - 2013-02-14 [BUGFIX] Incorrect path returned by Extension / Path / Resources ViewHelper (Commit 61ebcca by Claus Due) - 2013-02-13 [FEATURE] Add External Link support to AbstractMenuViewHelper (Commit 9e9ace1 by mneuhaus) - 2013-02-10 [FEATURE] Compilable Assets (Commit 8084d6e by Claus Due) - 2013-02-10 [FEATURE] Allow Assets to be treated as strings, allowing implode() etc. (Commit e5e3efc by Claus Due) - 2013-02-10 [FEATURE] Interfaces for CompilableAsset and AssetCompiler (Commit 0370d39 by Claus Due) - 2013-02-07 [FEATURE] Try ViewHelper capable of deep error handling (Commit e88f2f9 by Claus Due) - 2013-02-06 [BUGFIX] Add missing variable, ensure array as return value (Commit 3b05b87 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-02-04 [BUGFIX] Fix usage of getRootLine after refactoring (Commit ecaa103 by Bjoern Fromme) - 2013-02-04 [BUGFIX] Fix usage of getMenu after refactoring (Commit c452190 by Bjoern Fromme) - 2013-02-06 [FEATURE] Added mobile detection viewhelper. (Commit d70233c by Björn Fromme) - 2013-02-06 [FEATURE] Improve asset linking (Commit f1f11ca by Fabien Udriot) - 2013-02-06 [BUGFIX] Correctly remove temporary Assets dependencies HTML comment (Commit 03a86b9 by Claus Due) - 2013-02-03 [BUGFIX] Preserve parent caller reference in Asset hook (Commit 0ba9dfa by Claus Due) - 2013-02-03 [BUGFIX] Avoid warning on assumed existing Asset cache file (Commit b34cfdd by Claus Due) - 2013-02-02 [BUGFIX] Treat USER and USER_INT individually and ignore BE user (Commit f7395f1 by Claus Due) - 2013-02-02 [BUGFIX] Ensure VHS Assets marker is placed in header and footer (Commit 786e899 by Claus Due) - 2013-02-02 [BUGFIX] Page / Content / Get ViewHelper output empty on 4.5 when not forcing pageUid (Commit daa376e by Claus Due) - 2013-02-01 [BUGFIX] Incorrect use of width/height settings on Abstract Image ViewHelper (Commit fbfe4cb by Claus Due) - 2013-01-31 [BUGFIX] Employ dual Asset hook to support case of zero USER_INT objects (Commit a7251fd by Claus Due) - 2013-01-31 [BUGFIX] Move Asset’s contentPostProc hook slightly upwards in stack (Commit aea116f by Claus Due) - 2013-01-31 [FEATURE] Add directory menu VH as discussed in #44 (Commit 483502f by Björn Fromme) - 2013-01-31 [BUGFIX] Fix method argument and typo blocking rendering of deeper levels (Commit 16e9f8d by Bjoern Fromme) - 2013-01-31 [FEATURE] Add list menu VH as discussed in #44 (Commit 67d81d6 by Bjoern Fromme) - 2013-01-30 [FEATURE] Form / HasValidator ViewHelper (Condition) (Commit 799cae1 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-30 [BUGFIX] Remove src argument from base class (Commit 68e0a32 by Bjoern Fromme) - 2013-01-30 [FEATURE] Add media related base VHs, add image related VH, add video VH (Commit ad650e0 by Bjoern Fromme) - 2013-01-27 [FEATURE] Add ViewHelper to render embed Spotify play buttons (Commit 72a4862 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-01-27 [FEATURE] Add viewhelper for embedding videos from Vimeo (Commit 3687d42 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-01-27 [FEATURE] Add ViewHelper for YouTube video embedding (Commit 8e44666 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-01-23 [FEATURE] Format / Prepend and Format / Append ViewHelpers (Commit b551dca by Claus Due) - 2013-01-23 [BUGFIX] resolveExclude does not get recognized at all (Commit 37220a7 by Matthias Nitsch) - 2013-01-21 [FEATURE] Mount point support for content retrieval (Commit 9883997 by Tommy Juhnke) - 2013-01-20 [FEATURE] Rendering using Fluid for Fluid-enabled Assets (Commit 2bda022 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [FEATURE] Attributes, getters and settings for “fluid” and “arguments”, AbstractAssetViewHelper (Commit b64fb8c by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [BUGFIX] Incorrect variable check, AbstractAssetViewHelper (Commit f86bef0 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [BUGFIX] Proper accumulation of merge able Asset chunks when split by standalones (Commit 6418ce6 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [BUGFIX] Allow Asset chunks to be raw strings (Commit d2c67d9 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [BUGFIX] Only throw Exception if file does not exist and Asset is NOT external (Commit 1871781 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [FEATURE] Add “external” attribute on AbstractAssetViewHelper (Commit 8864461 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [BUGFIX] Correct handling of file merges/inclusions (Commit 672ae56 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [FEATURE] Attributes “trim” and “namedChunks” on AbstractAssetViewHelper (Commit f5995ec by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [FEATURE] Clearing of merged Assets on cache clear (Commit 5c19ca9 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [FEATURE] Merge support, AbstractAssetViewHelper (Commit ac09ad4 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [FEATURE] Basic Script Asset ViewHelper (Commit 397551b by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [FEATURE] Basic Style Asset ViewHelper (Commit d8481bd by Claus Due) - 2013-01-20 [FEATURE] Basic Asset ViewHelper and page rendering hooks (Commit 8ca8aa5 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-19 [FEATURE] Methods bypass(), debug() and getDebugInformation() on AbstractAssetViewHelper (Commit d1e3446 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-19 [FEATURE] Public getSettings() on AbstractAssetViewHelper (Commit 2d223d3 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-19 [FEATURE] Add “group” and “debug” attributes on AbstractAssetViewHelper (Commit f140982 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-18 [BUGFIX] Fix recursion running into an endless loop (Commit 2fd1148 by Bjoern Fromme) - 2013-01-18 [FEATURE] DateTime formatting in Format / Json / Encode ViewHelper (Commit 55ebfdc by Claus Due) - 2013-01-18 [FEATURE] DateTime support in Format / Json / Encode ViewHelper (Commit 90b01a0 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-18 [FEATURE] Support for DomainObject and Traversable, Format / Json / Encode (Commit 10b721c by Claus Due) - 2013-01-17 [FEATURE] Add “useTraversableKeys” attribute on Format / Json / Encode (Commit d0ca970 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-17 [FEATURE] Support Traversable in Format / Json / Encode ViewHelper (Commit 57a0143 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-17 [FEATURE] Add JSON de-/encode ViewHelpers (Commit c0e023b by Bjoern Fromme) - 2013-01-17 [FEATURE] Iterator / Reverse ViewHelper (Commit c1c3e00 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-16 [BUGFIX] ‘hasSubPages’ counts subpages which are hidden from menu (Commit 4ac8654 by Beda Steinacher) - 2013-01-16 [BUGFIX] Fix LipsumViewHelper (Commit da4aaee by Beda Steinacher) - 2013-01-15 [BUGFIX] Fix typo causing fatal error (Commit 15d2218 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-01-12 [BUGFIX] Page record incorrectly affected when resolving shortcut (Commit 0de820c by Claus Due) - 2013-01-12 [BUGFIX] When resolving shortcut data in MenuViewHelpers, fetch all fields of original page record (Commit 03c0d5b by Claus Due) - 2013-01-08 [FEATURE] Format / Case ViewHelper (Commit b9ce9ed by Claus Due) - 2013-01-07 [BUGFIX] Only resolve shortcuts if page type is shortcut (Commit 059471b by Claus Due) - 2013-01-07 [FEATURE] Enable “useShortcutData” on Page / Abstract Menu ViewHelper (Commit 9485a7c by Claus Due) - 2013-01-02 [FEATURE] Iterator / Pop and Iterator / Shift ViewHelpers (Commit 8600c97 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-02 [FEATURE] Iterator / Merge ViewHelper (Commit f021281 by Claus Due) - 2013-01-02 [FEATURE] Iterator / Values ViewHelper (Commit 960d43b by Claus Due) - 2013-01-01 [BUGFIX] File paths are now determined using t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName() for better compatibility (Commit 7130052 by Björn Fromme) - 2013-01-01 [FEATURE] Added image width, height and mimetype view helpers (Commit 4a9d39f by Björn Fromme) - 2013-01-01 [BUGFIX] Change indentation from spaces to tabs (Commit 2e446ee by Björn Fromme) - 2012-12-31 [FEATURE] Added Media:raw-latex:`\Size `ViewHelper (Commit af87717 by Bjoern Fromme) - 2012-12-30 [FEATURE] Add Media:raw-latex:`\Extension `ViewHelper (Commit b3fba88 by Björn Fromme) - 2012-12-30 [FEATURE] Added Media:raw-latex:`\Files `ViewHelper (Commit 04e9b3c by Björn Fromme) - 2012-12-30 [FEATURE] Call ViewHelper (Commit a0e5ae2 by Claus Due) - 2012-12-29 [BUGFIX] Correct assignment of variable containing HTML output, Page / BreadCrumb ViewHelper (Commit 4d859af by Claus Due) - 2012-12-28 [FEATURE] System / Timestamp and DateTime ViewHelpers (Commit 3d96dee by Claus Due) - 2012-12-28 [FEATURE] Add “htmlentities” attribute on Format / Markdown ViewHelper (Commit bcb6da3 by Claus Due) - 2012-12-20 [FEATURE] Add ExtractViewHelper (Commit 2c6a5de by Andreas Lappe) - 2012-12-06 [BUGFIX] GP(‘L’) must not be sys_language_uid (Thanks to Marc Hirdes) (Commit fea460d by Matthias Nitsch) - 2012-12-01 [FEATURE] Random / String ViewHelper (Commit 0b00cb2 by Claus Due) - 2012-12-01 [FEATURE] Random / Number ViewHelper (Commit a2791a5 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-29 [FEATURE] Allow using numeric indices with Traversables, Var / Get VIewHelper (Commit 78f88ec by Claus Due) - 2012-11-29 [FEATURE] Format / Replace ViewHelper (Commit cd3e4b6 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-29 [FEATURE] Form / Required ViewHelper (Commit 5923017 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-25 [FEATURE] Allow “RAND” and “SHUFFLE” as order, Iterator / Sort ViewHelper (Commit dd7d1c5 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-25 [FEATURE] Once / Standard, Instance, Cookie and Session ViewHelpers (Commit a91d4ba by Claus Due) - 2012-11-25 [FEATURE] Iterator / Slice ViewHelper (Commit 01919b4 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-25 [FEATURE] Format / Substring ViewHelper (Commit b745c57 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-25 [BUGFIX] Correct namespace in Media / Exists ViewHelper (Commit ba81a12 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-25 [FEATURE] Site / Name and Url ViewHelpers (Commit 9728912 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-25 [FEATURE] Math / Square and SquareRoot ViewHelpers (Commit 9a5b931 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-25 [FEATURE] Math / Cube and CubicRoot ViewHelpers (Commit ba44ae0 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-24 [FEATURE] Math / Minimum ViewHelper (Commit e413d41 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-24 [FEATURE] Math / Maximum ViewHelper (Commit 2f99c35 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-22 [BUGFIX] Respect “content from page” in Page / Content / Get ViewHelper (Commit 65db232 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-20 [FEATURE] Math / Range ViewHelper (Commit 1e8d483 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-20 [FEATURE] Math / Median ViewHelper (Commit 16b3c0d by Claus Due) - 2012-11-20 [FEATURE] Math / Average ViewHelper (Commit fabf932 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-20 [FEATURE] Math / Power ViewHelper (Commit 5e7c910 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-20 [FEATURE] Var / Set ViewHelper support value from tag content or inline syntax (Commit d84e817 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-20 [BUGFIX] Remove legacy Flux-related condition from Page / Render ViewHelper (Commit 6b96c90 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-19 [FEATURE] Page / Header and Page / Footer ViewHelpers (Commit 5bece6a by Claus Due) - 2012-11-19 [BUGFIX] OptionViewHelper and multiple preselection http://forge.typo3.org/issues/42329 (Commit eeaa38c by Stefano Cecere) - 2012-11-18 [BUGFIX] Proper parent class, LanguageMenuViewHelper (Commit c6ce0c8 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-17 [FEATURE] Format / Placeholder / Image ViewHelper (Commit 5892b76 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-17 [BUGFIX] Fixes tests for running in CLI (Commit 8d289ae by Andreas Lappe) - 2012-11-15 [BUGFIX] Fix incorrect base after refactor, Security ViewHelpers (Commit 319b89b by Claus Due) - 2012-11-15 [FEATURE] Condition/ClientInformation ViewHelpers (Commit 8a14fad by Andreas Lappe) - 2012-11-13 [BUGFIX] Fix exception message in DivisionViewHelper (Commit 4dc44f2 by Tobias Liebig) - 2012-11-12 [BUGFIX] Menu ViewHelpers respect l18n_cfg (Commit 99835db by Claus Due) - 2012-11-11 [FEATURE] Condition and Condition / Extend ViewHelpers (Commit 59e29b1 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-11 [FEATURE] Extension / Icon ViewHelper (Commit 2445db5 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-11 [FEATURE] Render / Request ViewHelper (Commit ca3e6ee by Claus Due) - 2012-11-10 [FEATURE] Rendering Cache ViewHelper (Commit a17516f by Claus Due) - 2012-11-10 [FEATURE] Render / Template ViewHelper (Commit e0864b0 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-07 [FEATURE] Render ViewHelper, Inline Fluid (Commit c371f49 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-05 [BUGFIX] Class name of Var / Typoscript ViewHelper (Commit 22b0be6 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-05 [BUGFIX] Fix inheritance, Iterator ViewHelpers (Commit c97f645 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-05 [BUGFIX] Fix inheritance, Page / Header / Title ViewHelper (Commit fcf6f34 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-05 [BUGFIX] Fix inheritance, Menu ViewHelpers (Commit 3725e41 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-05 [BUGFIX] Adjusted namespace of Markdown ViewHelper (Commit a7f164b by Claus Due) - 2012-11-05 [FEATURE] Format / Url / SanitizeString ViewHelper (Commit 522b1ee by Claus Due) - 2012-11-04 [FEATURE] Added Media / Exists Condition ViewHelper (Commit 9ce6189 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-04 [FEATURE] Formatting Lipsum, Plaintext, Tidy and Trim ViewHelpers (Commit 649c6bd by Claus Due) - 2012-11-03 [BUGFIX] Leftovers from FED (Commit 6dfe4f9 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-03 [FEATURE] Formatting ViewHelpers (Commit 3967171 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-03 [FEATURE] Iterator ViewHelpers (Commit 542b285 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-03 [FEATURE] Typoscript Var ViewHelper (Commit bc2798f by Claus Due) - 2012-11-03 [FEATURE] Security ViewHelpers, Allow and Deny with reusable base class (Commit 3c364e5 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-03 [FEATURE] Page ViewHelpers (Commit ec2a5f7 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-02 [FEATURE] Basic Math ViewHelpers (Commit 839518d by Claus Due) - 2012-11-02 [FEATURE] Switch and Case ViewHelpers (Commit 9fdbc95 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-02 [FEATURE] Variable ViewHelpers (Commit 1e61bf8 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-02 [FEATURE] Form / Select, Option and Optgroup ViewHelpers (Commit ea3893c by Claus Due) - 2012-11-02 [FEATURE] Extension ViewHelpers (Commit dbf2743 by Claus Due) - 2012-11-02 [FEATURE] Context condition ViewHelpers (Commit 94d08ef by Claus Due) Generated by: :: git log --since="1970/01/01" --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' \ --date=short | egrep '(\[FEATURE|BUGFIX|REMOVAL\])+'` Full list of changes: https://github.com/FluidTYPO3/vhs/compare/…2.0.0 *Please note: the change list above does not contain any TASK commits since they are considered infrastructure-only and not relevant to end users. The full list includes these!*