.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. converted from Markdown: pandoc --from markdown --to rst 6.1.0.md -o 6.1.0.rst Release: 6.1.0 (2022/05/01) --------------------------- - 2022-05-01 [FEATURE] Use middleware to render assets on TYPO3 9.5+ (Commit 863e0304 by Claus Due) - 2022-05-01 [BUGFIX] Always add alt attribute to media.image (#1679) (Commit bc128b8a by Andreas Kießling) - 2022-05-01 [BUGFIX] Cast non-string haystacks in two Contains conditions (Commit e3c3e198 by Claus Due) - 2022-05-01 [BUGFIX] Adjust v:page.header.alternate to PageRenderer changes (Commit 0fff590f by Claus Due) - 2022-05-01 [BUGFIX] Check/use new colorspace configuration location (Commit df23843d by Claus Due) - 2022-05-01 [BUGFIX] Fix v:page.link on TYPO3v11+ (Commit 8c4e1277 by Claus Due) - 2022-05-01 [BUGFIX] Fix v:render.uncache for serialization-restricted platforms (Commit 78bdaf50 by Claus Due) - 2022-05-01 [BUGFIX] Fix inline/child pass of “a” for v:iterator.diff (Commit 76b424c8 by Claus Due) - 2022-04-21 [BUGFIX] v:render.request broken on TYPO3v10 (#1707) (Commit 444c2e5f by Frank Rakow) - 2022-04-21 [FEATURE] Add v:context.get() support for 11.4 (Commit b393c686 by Claus Due) - 2022-04-21 [FEATURE] Use site configuration in v:page.languageMenu on TYPO3 9/10 (#1723) (Commit ca9bbe4b by yol) - 2022-04-21 [BUGFIX] Allow new extension configuration in ViewHelper v:variable.extensionConfiguration (#1732) (Commit 4d5f063a by Markus Hölzle) - 2022-04-21 [BUGFIX] Fix v:resource.record viewhelper for PHP 8 when used in backend (#1758) (Commit 16046aea by Andi) - 2022-03-27 [BUGFIX] Fix possible permission problem with cache:flush (#1727) (Commit 93526155 by schoeppe) - 2022-03-27 [BUGFIX] Fix PageRepository cross-version compatibility (Commit 967179a2 by Claus Due) - 2022-03-27 [REMOVAL] Drop support for PHP versions below 7.4 (Commit b461a209 by Claus Due) - 2021-11-12 [BUGFIX] Avoid undefined array key errors in ext_localconf.php in PHP8 (#1743) (Commit 04d7ac20 by Chris Müller) - 2021-09-02 [BUGFIX] Fix image placeholder VH (Commit b6dcbb01 by Claus Due) - 2021-09-02 [BUGFIX] Fix PHP 7.3.0 deprecated behavior (#1692) (Commit 9eb59c6a by Ghanshyam Gohel) - 2021-09-02 [REMOVAL] Remove non-integer pageUid argument support (#1662) (Commit 22e679da by Moritz Horstmann) - 2021-09-02 [FEATURE] Add native browser lazy loading for images (#1686) (Commit dbfccc8d by neonaut) - 2021-03-30 [BUGFIX] Handle both t3:// and normal file names at once (#1716) (Commit 2a1cfdaa by Christian Weiske) - 2021-03-26 [BUGFIX] Do not process absolute image URIs in the backend (#1712) (Commit f1a14104 by Christian Weiske) - 2021-03-26 [FEATURE] Handle t3://file?uid=23 URLs in view helper (#1711) (Commit 3b9ae1cd by Christian Weiske) - 2021-02-03 [BUGFIX] Fix override of target page UID for shortcuts (#1704) (Commit ffad4cb7 by ndurchx) Generated by: :: git log --since="2021/01/22" --until="2022/05/01" --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' \ --date=short | egrep '(\[FEATURE|BUGFIX|REMOVAL\])+'` Full list of changes: https://github.com/FluidTYPO3/vhs/compare/6.0.5…6.1.0 *Please note: the change list above does not contain any TASK commits since they are considered infrastructure-only and not relevant to end users. The full list includes these!*