.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _fluidtypo3-vhs-page-menu-browse: ================ page.menu.browse ================ Page: Browse Menu ViewHelper ============================ ViewHelper for rendering TYPO3 browse menus in Fluid Renders links to browse inside a menu branch including first, previous, next, last and up to the parent page. Supports both automatic, tag-based rendering (which defaults to `ul > li` with options to set both the parent and child tag names. When using manual rendering a range of support CSS classes are available along with each page record. DEPRECATED: use v:menu.browse instead Arguments ========= .. _page.menu.browse_additionalattributes: additionalAttributes -------------------- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Additional tag attributes. They will be added directly to the resulting HTML tag. .. _page.menu.browse_data: data ---- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Additional data-* attributes. They will each be added with a "data-" prefix. .. _page.menu.browse_aria: aria ---- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Additional aria-* attributes. They will each be added with a "aria-" prefix. .. _page.menu.browse_class: class ----- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` CSS class(es) for this element .. _page.menu.browse_dir: dir --- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Text direction for this HTML element. Allowed strings: "ltr" (left to right), "rtl" (right to left) .. _page.menu.browse_id: id -- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Unique (in this file) identifier for this HTML element. .. _page.menu.browse_lang: lang ---- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Language for this element. Use short names specified in RFC 1766 .. _page.menu.browse_style: style ----- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Individual CSS styles for this element .. _page.menu.browse_title: title ----- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Tooltip text of element .. _page.menu.browse_accesskey: accesskey --------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Keyboard shortcut to access this element .. _page.menu.browse_tabindex: tabindex -------- :aspect:`DataType` integer :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Specifies the tab order of this element .. _page.menu.browse_onclick: onclick ------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` JavaScript evaluated for the onclick event .. _page.menu.browse_forceclosingtag: forceClosingTag --------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If TRUE, forces the created tag to use a closing tag. If FALSE, allows self-closing tags. .. _page.menu.browse_hideifempty: hideIfEmpty ----------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Hide the tag completely if there is no tag content .. _page.menu.browse_contenteditable: contenteditable --------------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Specifies whether the contents of the element are editable. .. _page.menu.browse_contextmenu: contextmenu ----------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` The value of the id attribute on the menu with which to associate the element as a context menu. .. _page.menu.browse_draggable: draggable --------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Specifies whether the element is draggable. .. _page.menu.browse_dropzone: dropzone -------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Specifies what types of content can be dropped on the element, and instructs the UA about which actions to take with content when it is dropped on the element. .. _page.menu.browse_translate: translate --------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Specifies whether an elements attribute values and contents of its children are to be translated when the page is localized, or whether to leave them unchanged. .. _page.menu.browse_spellcheck: spellcheck ---------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Specifies whether the element represents an element whose contents are subject to spell checking and grammar checking. .. _page.menu.browse_hidden: hidden ------ :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Specifies that the element represents an element that is not yet, or is no longer, relevant. .. _page.menu.browse_showaccessprotected: showAccessProtected ------------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If TRUE links to access protected pages are always rendered regardless of user login status .. _page.menu.browse_classaccessprotected: classAccessProtected -------------------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'protected' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional class name to add to links which are access protected .. _page.menu.browse_classaccessgranted: classAccessGranted ------------------ :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'access-granted' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional class name to add to links which are access protected but access is actually granted .. _page.menu.browse_useshortcutuid: useShortcutUid -------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If TRUE, substitutes the link UID of a shortcut with the target page UID (and thus avoiding redirects) but does not change other data - which is done by using useShortcutData. .. _page.menu.browse_useshortcuttarget: useShortcutTarget ----------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional param for using shortcut target instead of shortcut itself for current link .. _page.menu.browse_useshortcutdata: useShortcutData --------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Shortcut to set useShortcutTarget and useShortcutData simultaneously .. _page.menu.browse_tagname: tagName ------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'ul' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Tag name to use for enclosing container .. _page.menu.browse_tagnamechildren: tagNameChildren --------------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'li' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Tag name to use for child nodes surrounding links. If set to "a" enables non-wrapping mode. .. _page.menu.browse_entrylevel: entryLevel ---------- :aspect:`DataType` integer :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional entryLevel TS equivalent of the menu .. _page.menu.browse_levels: levels ------ :aspect:`DataType` integer :aspect:`Default` 1 :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Number of levels to render - setting this to a number higher than 1 (one) will expand menu items that are active, to a depth of $levels starting from $entryLevel .. _page.menu.browse_expandall: expandAll --------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If TRUE and $levels > 1 then expands all (not just the active) menu items which have submenus .. _page.menu.browse_classfirst: classFirst ---------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional class name for the first menu elment .. _page.menu.browse_classlast: classLast --------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional class name for the last menu elment .. _page.menu.browse_classactive: classActive ----------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'active' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional class name to add to active links .. _page.menu.browse_classcurrent: classCurrent ------------ :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'current' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional class name to add to current link .. _page.menu.browse_classhassubpages: classHasSubpages ---------------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'sub' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional class name to add to links which have subpages .. _page.menu.browse_substelementuid: substElementUid --------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional parameter for wrapping the link with the uid of the page .. _page.menu.browse_showhiddeninmenu: showHiddenInMenu ---------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Include pages that are set to be hidden in menus .. _page.menu.browse_showcurrent: showCurrent ----------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Default` true :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If FALSE, does not display the current page .. _page.menu.browse_linkcurrent: linkCurrent ----------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Default` true :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If FALSE, does not wrap the current page in a link .. _page.menu.browse_linkactive: linkActive ---------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Default` true :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If FALSE, does not wrap with links the titles of pages that are active in the rootline .. _page.menu.browse_titlefields: titleFields ----------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'nav_title,title' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` CSV list of fields to use as link label - default is "nav_title,title", change to for example "tx_myext_somefield,subtitle,nav_title,title". The first field that contains text will be used. Field value resolved AFTER page field overlays. .. _page.menu.browse_includeanchortitle: includeAnchorTitle ------------------ :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Default` true :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If TRUE, includes the page title as title attribute on the anchor. .. _page.menu.browse_includespacers: includeSpacers -------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Wether or not to include menu spacers in the page select query .. _page.menu.browse_deferred: deferred -------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If TRUE, does not output the tag content UNLESS a v:page.menu.deferred child ViewHelper is both used and triggered. This allows you to create advanced conditions while still using automatic rendering .. _page.menu.browse_as: as -- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'menu' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If used, stores the menu pages as an array in a variable named after this value and renders the tag content. If the tag content is empty automatic rendering is triggered. .. _page.menu.browse_rootlineas: rootLineAs ---------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'rootLine' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If used, stores the menu root line as an array in a variable named according to this value and renders the tag content - which means automatic rendering is disabled if this attribute is used .. _page.menu.browse_excludepages: excludePages ------------ :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Page UIDs to exclude from the menu. Can be CSV, array or an object implementing Traversable. .. _page.menu.browse_forceabsoluteurl: forceAbsoluteUrl ---------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If TRUE, the menu will be rendered with absolute URLs .. _page.menu.browse_doktypes: doktypes -------- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` DEPRECATED: Please use typical doktypes for starting points like shortcuts. .. _page.menu.browse_divider: divider ------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional divider to insert between each menu item. Note that this does not mix well with automatic rendering due to the use of an ul > li structure .. _page.menu.browse_labelfirst: labelFirst ---------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'first' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Label for the "first" link .. _page.menu.browse_labellast: labelLast --------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'last' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Label for the "last" link .. _page.menu.browse_labelprevious: labelPrevious ------------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'previous' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Label for the "previous" link .. _page.menu.browse_labelnext: labelNext --------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'next' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Label for the "next" link .. _page.menu.browse_labelup: labelUp ------- :aspect:`DataType` string :aspect:`Default` 'up' :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Label for the "up" link .. _page.menu.browse_renderfirst: renderFirst ----------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Default` true :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If set to FALSE the "first" link will not be rendered .. _page.menu.browse_renderlast: renderLast ---------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Default` true :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If set to FALSE the "last" link will not be rendered .. _page.menu.browse_renderup: renderUp -------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Default` true :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If set to FALSE the "up" link will not be rendered .. _page.menu.browse_usepagetitles: usePageTitles ------------- :aspect:`DataType` boolean :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` If set to TRUE, uses target page titles instead of "next", "previous" etc. labels .. _page.menu.browse_pageuid: pageUid ------- :aspect:`DataType` integer :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional parent page UID to use as top level of menu. If unspecified, current page UID is used .. _page.menu.browse_currentpageuid: currentPageUid -------------- :aspect:`DataType` integer :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` Optional page UID to use as current page. If unspecified, current page UID from globals is used