.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _fluidtypo3-vhs-render-ascii: ============ render.ascii ============ Render: ASCII Character ======================= Renders a single character identified by its charset number. For example: ` renders a UNIX linebreak as does {v:render.character(ascii: 10)}. Can be used in combination with `v:iterator.loop` to render sequences or repeat the same character: :: {v:render.ascii(ascii: 10) -> v:iterator.loop(count: 5)} And naturally you can feed any integer variable or ViewHelper return value into the `ascii` parameter throught `renderChildren` to allow chaining: :: {variableWithAsciiInteger -> v:render.ascii()} And arrays are also supported - they will produce a string of characters from each number in the array: :: {v:render.ascii(ascii: {0: 13, 1: 10})} Will produce a Windows line break, \r\n. Arguments ========= .. _render.ascii_ascii: ascii ----- :aspect:`DataType` mixed :aspect:`Required` false :aspect:`Description` ASCII character to render