.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _typo3-conf-vars: $TYPO3\_CONF\_VARS['EXTCONF']['dbal'] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The DBAL is configurable through ``$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['dbal']`` entered in ``ext_localconf.php`` / ``localconf.php``. This table is an overview of the main keys in this array: .. _handlercfg-handlerkey: handlerCfg[ *handlerKey* ] """""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Key handlerCfg[ *handlerKey* ] Datatype :ref:`->handlerCfg ` Description Configuration of each data handler you want to use in the system. Each handler is identified with a string (``handlerKey``) which is used in the ``table2handlerKeys`` configuration (see below) to pair table names with handlers. There is *always* a default handler needed which has the handlerKey "\_DEFAULT". By default this handler is configured with the classic username/password/host and database settings from ``localconf.php`` in TYPO3. If you want to use ADOdb or just need to store a table in another database you can configure a handler here and map the tables you need to that handler (with ``table2handlerKeys``, see below). .. _table2handlerkeys-tablename: table2handlerKeys[ *tablename* ] """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Key table2handlerKeys[ *tablename* ] Datatype handlerKey Description Using other handlers than the "\_DEFAULT" handler key is possible on a per-table basis and simply done by entering the table name as key in this array and letting the value be the handlerKey you want to use for this table! **Beware:** The table names here are the values of ``mapTableName`` and not the names that TYPO3 will use; thus the real table names. **Notice:** If tables are joined *both tables* must use the same handlerKey. If they do not TYPO3 will exit with a fatal error! You can use the debug options to track all table joins and assess which tables can safely be handled together. .. _mapping-tablename: mapping[ *tablename* ] """""""""""""""""""""" .. container:: table-row Key mapping[ *tablename* ] Datatype :ref:`->mapping ` Description Configuration of mapping of table and fieldnames. For instance you can configure that TYPO3 should use a physical table in the database named ``typo3_pages`` instead of ``pages``. Or you can map fieldname in a similar fashion. The point is that TYPO3 always sees a table or field names as TYPO3 requires internally but in reality the table- or field name could be something different in the physical database source. There is a performance loss by configuring such mapping of course: Result rows are preprocessed before being returned and all SQL queries are parsed, transformed and re-compiled again before execution. .. _debugoptions: debugOptions """""""""""" .. container:: table-row Key debugOptions Datatype :ref:`->debug ` Description Options for various debugging in the DBAL.