.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _sql-standard: SQL standard ^^^^^^^^^^^^ When the core of TYPO3 including a number of global extensions were converted to the database wrapper class, ``DatabaseConnection``, it was found that the usage of SQL in TYPO3 was luckily quite simple and consistently using the same features. This made it fairly easy to convert the whole application into using the wrapper functions. But it also meant that there was a basis for defining a subset of the MySQL features that are those officially supported by TYPO3. Yet, this subset is not defined in a document but there exist a class, ``\TYPO3\CMS\Dbal\Database\SqlParser``, which contains parser functions for SQL and compliance with "TYPO3 sql" is basically defined by whether this class can parse your SQL without errors. (The debug-options /DBAL debug backend module from this extension can be helpful to spot non- compliant SQL.) This means that TYPO3 now has an official "SQL abstraction language" based on SQL itself and being a subset of the features that MySQL has. Contrary to creating SQL code from a homemade abstraction language there are several advantages in using (a subset of) SQL itself *as* the abstraction language: - We do not re-invent the wheel by imposing a new "SQL abstraction language" for programmers - they just use simple SQL. - MySQL (and compatibles) has "native" support and does not need translation (= high speed for our primary database). - Other databases might need transformation but the overhead can be reduced drastically by simply using the right functions in the DBAL - optionally. And basically such transformation is what would otherwise occur with *any* abstraction language anyways. - We are able to parse the SQL and validate conformity with the "TYPO3 SQL standard" defined at any time by ``\TYPO3\CMS\Dbal\Database\SqlParser`` - and we can always extend it as need arises. .. _sql-calls: SQL calls """"""""" The PHP API for MySQL contains a long list of functions. By the inspection of the TYPO3 core it was found that only quite few of these were used and subsequently only those has made it into the ``DatabaseConnection`` class (For instance ``mysql()`` was typically used to execute a query and subsequently the result was traversed by ``mysql_fetch_assoc()`` in 95% of the cases). The wrapper functions in the class ``DatabaseConnection`` are now the only functions that are "allowed" to be used for database connectivity and it is believed that these functions is sufficient for all TYPO3 extension programmers. By defining such a limited set of functions we might force some users to change their "habits" of using MySQL/SQL databases but we believe that this is good in another way since we get more consistent code across extensions. If it turns out that some new functions are needed in the wrapper class it must be based on the strength of arguments.