.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _database-specific-issues: Database-specific issues ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _native-handler: Native handler """""""""""""" The native handler currently does not support importing static data through the install tool or EM, the import will be incomplete in most cases. .. _postgresql: PostgreSQL """""""""" Currently altering an existing column is not supported, as the underlying ADOdb library needs a full table description to do that, as on PostgreSQL you need to drop and recreate a table to change it's type (this has changed in PostgreSQL 8, but ADOdb doesn't support this yet). .. _mssql: MSSQL """"" Tests have shown you need to - enable ANSI quotes (``SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON``). This can also be done through the management console:MS SQL Server Management Studio (Express) -> Choose DB (context menu) -> Properties -> Options -> Miscellaneous / Quoted Identifiers Enabled : true - set the max text length in ``php.ini`` to a value higher than the default of 4kB; Valid range 0 - 2147483647. Default = 4096.mssql.textlimit = 5000000; Valid range 0 - 2147483647. Default = 4096.mssql.textsize = 5000000 - Problems with persistent connections were reported, so if you run into trouble, disable them in ``php.ini`` - On SQL Server there are many options regarding the handling of ``NULL`` in comparisons. You can make ``"a"=NULL`` to return undefined, ``FALSE``, or ``TRUE`` depending on a server config. Maybe this helps with certain problems... More problems will arise, depending on the setup details. Further fixes and documentation is being worked on.