.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _introduction: Introduction ============ .. _what-does-it-do: What does it do? ---------------- The extension offers a Rich Text Editor or RTE with the following features: - Support for Firefox 1.5+, SeaMonkey 1.0+, Safari 3.0.4+, Google Chrome 1.0+ and Opera 9.62+ on all platforms, and for IE 9.0+ on Windows platforms; - Integration of TYPO3 image insertion and link insertion browsers, configurable color selector and user element insertion dialog; - Integration of Magic Images within text is built-in and tightly couple to TYPO3's APIs, and works just fine with HtmlArea. - Configuration through TYPO3 Extension Manager, Page and User TSconfig RTE properties; three default sets of Page and User TSconfig configuration settings for typical situations, advanced users or demo environments; - Integration with the translation facilities of TYPO3; - Block and inline CSS style selector boxes with style descriptors imported from an external CSS file; - Integration of a spell checking feature providing server-side spell checking in many languages, with optional personal dictionaries for backend users; - Integration of ContextMenu, TableOperations, InsertSmiley, FindReplace, RemoveFormat, CharacterMap, QuickTag and Acronym htmlArea extensions; - Anchor accessibility feature; - Clean paste feature; - Hook on Lorem Ipsum wizard so that dummy content may be inserted when the editor is in wysiwyg mode; - Optional configurable server-side HTML cleaning when content is pasted into the editor; - A class that may be used in front end extensions to enable rich text editing of text fields. .. _requirements: Requirements ------------ If spell checker feature is enabled, then Static Info Tables version 2.0.0+ is required. The spell checker feature requires `GNU Aspell 0.60+ `_ to be installed on the server. The spell checker requires PHP to be compiled with pspell. If PHP is not compiled with pspell, the spell checker will function in shell\_exec mode. The hook on the Lorem Ipsum wizard requires version 1.1.0+ of the Lorem Ipsum extension (lorem\_ipsum). .. _what-s-new: What's new ---------- The following features have been added in TYPO3 6.0: - the RTE fully supports the new TYPO3 file abstraction layer (FAL); - when Internet Explorer 9 is used in native mode, the RTE always uses the standard objects, properties and methods now supported by this browser; - default paste behaviours for pasteStructure and pasteFormat have been modified to keep HTML5 tags article, aside, footer, header, nav and section; these defaults may be modified by configuring button pastebehaviour in Page TSconfig; - Page TSconfig properties that were deprecated since TYPO3 4.6 are now removed. .. _migration-to-ckeditor: Migration to CKEditor --------------------- There are various plugins that are solely implemented by HtmlArea, and have been there for years, if you've used these plugins, there is no equivalent. Although CKEditor has a plugin system as well, the one built by HTMLarea integrates tightly in TYPO3's PHP world. Migrating the same functionality in any other RTE can be tough. .. _current-state: Current state ------------- The latest version here reflects a feature-complete state. There are bugs, we know, there are possible feature requests - we know. But it's highly likely that this extension gets no new features, unless somebody steps up and continues the development (see the :ref:`contribution` page).