.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _styling-drop-down-behavior: Behavior of the text styling drop-down list ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Only one of the classes is pre-selected in the Text Style selectlist and therefore shown in the collapsed selectlist. At all times, only classes allowed by the configuration settings are presented in the selectlist. .. _styling-legend: Legend: """"""" highlighted (selected) string:This is the string inside the textarea the user has selected using the mouse or keyboard. \|= cursor position inside the textarea. .. _styling-case-1-no-string-is-highlighted-and-the-cursor-is-outside-any-inline-element: Case 1: No string is highlighted and the cursor is outside any inline element: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" a) the option shown in the collapsed selectlist is 'No text style'; b) the selectlist is disabled. .. _styling-case-2-no-string-is-highlighted-and-the-cursor-is-inside-an-inline-element: Case 2: No string is highlighted and the cursor is inside an inline element: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Example:wor\|d a) the option shown in the collapsed selectlist is the current value of the element's class attribute, or 'No text style' when the inline element bears no class attribute; b) the selectlist is enabled and contains the classes allowed for the type of inline element; c) if the author chooses a different class, the class attribute gets updated; the position of the cursor is unchanged; d) if the author chooses 'No text style', the current class is removed; if the element has no more class, the class attribute gets removed; if the element is a span element and it has no more attribute, the span element is removed;the position of the cursor is unchanged. .. _styling-case-3-a-string-is-highlighted-and-crosses-multiple-elements: Case 3: A string is highlighted and crosses multiple elements: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" a) the option shown in the collapsed selectlist is 'No text style'; b) if the string crosses multiple block elements: - the selectlist is disabled; c) if the string crosses multiple inline elements: - the selectlist is enabled and contains the classes allowed for the 'span' element; - if the author chooses a class, the highlighted string is wrapped with a 'span' element with the chosen class as value of its class attribute; - the resulting marked up string is not highlighted; - the cursor is positioned at the end of the string. .. _styling-case-4-the-highlighted-string-is-not-contained-in-any-inline-element: Case 4: The highlighted string is not contained in any inline element: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" a) the option shown in the collapsed selectlist is 'No text style'; b) if the author chooses a class, the highlighted string is wrapped with a 'span' element with the chosen class as value of its class attribute; c) the resulting marked up string is not highlighted; d) the cursor is positioned at the end of the highlighted string. .. _styling-case-5-the-highlighted-string-is-contained-in-an-inline-element: Case 5: The highlighted string is contained in an inline element: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" a) the option shown in the collapsed selectlist is 'No text style'; b) if the author chooses a class, the highlighted string is wrapped with a 'span' element with the chosen class as value of its class attribute; c) the resulting marked up string is not highlighted; d) the cursor is positioned at the end of the highlighted string. .. _styling-case-6-the-hightlighted-string-contains-exactly-the-complete-inline-element: Case 6: The hightlighted string contains exactly the complete inline element: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Example of hightlighted string:word a) the option shown in the collapsed selectlist is the current value of the element's class attribute, or 'No style' when the inline element bears no class attribute; b) the selectlist is enabled and contains the classes allowed for the type of inline element; c) if the author chooses a different class, the class attribute gets updated; the cursor is moved at the end of the highlighted string which gets de-highlighted; d)if the author chooses 'No style', the current class is removed; if the element has no more class, the class attribute gets removed;if the element is a span element and it has no more attribute, the span element is removed; the cursor is moved at the end of the highlighted string which gets de-highlighted.