4.3.0 - 2019-04-25 ================== .. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: :depth: 3 Features -------- The following features have been added to tt_address. RTE for description ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The description field is now rendered using an RTE. Method to get raw query ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A new method `\FriendsOfTYPO3\TtAddress\Domain\Repository\AddressRepository::getSqlQuery` has been added which can be used to retrieve the raw database query which could be used for further calls. Example .. code-block:: php $demand = new Demand(); $demand->setPages(['1', '2']); $sql = $this->addressRepository->getSqlQuery($demand); Important changes ----------------- The default rendering option for maps has been changed to `leaflet`. Thanks to --------- Thanks to all all contributors, especially to - Ralf Tönjes - Christoph Lehmann - Georg Ringer and also thanks to *Studio Mitte Digital Media Gmbh* (https://studiomitte.com/) for sponsoring work time and supporting this project! All Changes ----------- This is a list of all changes in this release: :: 2019-04-24 fixed wrong language variables for gender various (#216) (Commit c73de2e by Ralf Tönjes) 2019-04-24 set default rendering to leaflet as described in the documents (#213) (Commit 67298af by Ralf Tönjes) 2019-04-12 [BUGFIX] Move typecast (Commit 4c2213d by Georg Ringer) 2019-04-11 [TASK] Add type and eval to tstamp & crdate fields (Commit 2f883e3 by Georg Ringer) 2019-04-11 [TASK] Change birthday field to bigint (Commit b284722 by Georg Ringer) 2019-04-04 [FEATURE] Provide raw query option (#205) (Commit 79be032 by Georg Ringer) 2019-04-04 [FEATURE] Cache invalidation for address records (#207) (Commit 296d2df by Christoph Lehmann) 2019-04-01 [TASK] Enable RTE for description field (Commit 9db05d7 by Georg Ringer) 2019-03-28 [BUGFIX] Add type cast to array to avoid errors (Commit 6c0c7e2 by Georg Ringer) 2019-03-22 [DOC] Describe usage of extender for tt_address (Commit 450317e by Georg Ringer) 2019-03-22 [BUGFIX] Provide missing labels for flexform sorting (Commit 54ddf48 by Georg Ringer) This list has been created by using `git log 4.2.0..HEAD --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short`.