5.2.1 - 24th February 2021 ========================== .. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. only:: html .. contents:: :local: :depth: 3 Important changes ----------------- All Changes ----------- This is a list of all changes in this release: :: 2021-02-09 [TASK] Remove unnecessary limit (#338) (Commit 21b69d3 by nebrot) 2021-01-27 [BUGFIX] Remove trailing comma to keep compatibility with PHP 7.2 (#336) (Commit 1f45e44 by Xavier Perseguers) 2021-01-22 [TASK] Use new plugin configuration (Commit 0ca38f6 by Georg Ringer) 2021-01-22 [FEATURE] Clean phone number for tel links (Commit 8c1ea14 by Stefan Frömken) 2020-12-22 [DOC] Fix typo in readme (Commit 458e7b9 by Dirk Jüttner) 2020-10-08 [BUGFIX] Change check if TS setting should be overriden via flexforms (#310) (Commit 8a4c088 by Georg Ringer) 2020-10-07 [TASK] Add return value for command #309 (Commit 2c90a91 by Georg Ringer) 2020-10-07 [TASK] Add eval trim to email address (Commit ddc963c by bucheggerOnline) 2020-10-06 [TASK] Improve CGL (Commit bec7497 by Georg Ringer) This list has been created by using `git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short`.