.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _routing: .. _configuration-extension-routing: =========================== Use Routing to rewrite URLs =========================== This section will show you how you can rewrite the URLs for tt\_address using **Routing Enhancers and Aspects**. TYPO3 Explained has a chapter :ref:`Introduction to routing ` that you can read if you are not familiar with the concept yet. You will no longer need third party extensions like RealURL or CoolUri to rewrite and beautify your URLs. .. _how_to_rewrite_urls: How to rewrite URLs with address parameters ============================================ On setting up your page you should already have created a **site configuration**. You can do this in the backend module :guilabel:`Site Managements > Sites`. Your site configuration will be stored in :file:`/config/sites//config.yaml`. The following configurations have to be applied to this file. Any URL parameters can be rewritten with the Routing Enhancers and Aspects. These are added manually in the :file:`config.yaml`: #. Add a section :yaml:`routeEnhancers`, if one does not already exist. #. Choose an unique identifier for your Routing Enhancer. It doesn't have to match any extension key. #. :yaml:`type`: For tt\_address, the Extbase Plugin Enhancer (:yaml:`Extbase`) is used. #. :yaml:`extension`: the extension key, converted to :code:`UpperCamelCase`. #. :yaml:`plugin`: the plugin name of address is `ListView`, even for the detail page. #. After that you will configure individual routes and aspects depending on your use case. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :caption: :file:`/config/sites//config.yaml` Address: type: Extbase limitToPages: - 8 - 10 - 11 extension: TtAddress plugin: ListView routes: - routePath: '/{address-title}' _controller: 'Address::show' _arguments: address-title: address - routePath: '/{page-label}-{page}' _controller: 'Address::list' _arguments: page: 'currentPage' defaultController: 'Address::list' aspects: address-title: type: PersistedAliasMapper tableName: tt_address routeFieldName: slug page: type: StaticRangeMapper start: '1' end: '100' page-label: type: LocaleModifier default: seite localeMap: - locale: 'en_.*' value: page - locale: 'it_.*' value: pagina - locale: 'fr_.*' value: page - locale: 'es_.*' value: pagina .. tip:: If your routing does not work as expected, check the **indentation** of your configuration blocks. Proper indentation is crucial in YAML. It is recommended to limit :yaml:`routeEnhancers` to the pages where they are needed. This will speed up performance for building page routes of all other pages. References ========== * :ref:`TYPO3 Documentation: Routing ` * :ref:`TYPO3 Documentation: Site Handling `