.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _development-extend-ttaddress: Extend models of tt_address =========================== If an additional field should be added to the `Address` model, there are several ways to achive this. This documentation prefers the usage of the extension `extender` (https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/extender/) by Sebastian Fischer. This documentation is divided into the following sections: - Install EXT:extender - Setup extension - Make the field available in backend - Configuration of EXT:extender - Use the field in frontend Install EXT:extender -------------------- Install the extension `extender` by either retrieve it from https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/extender or from the Extension Manager or use `composer req evoweb/extender`. Setup extension --------------- To extend an extension, you need to create an extension. In this example, the extension key will be called `address_field` and the vendor name will be `GeorgRinger`. Create the directory `address_field` inside `typo3conf/ext/address_field`. Create the following files and install the extension in the extension manager. ext_emconf.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: php 'Extend tt_address', 'description' => 'New field in tt_address', 'category' => 'plugin', 'state' => 'alpha', 'clearCacheOnLoad' => true, 'version' => '1.0.0', 'constraints' => [ 'depends' => [ 'extender' => '', 'tt_address' => '' ], 'conflicts' => [], 'suggests' => [], ], ]; ext_tables.sql ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: sql # Extend table structure for table 'tt_address' CREATE TABLE tt_address ( quote text NOT NULL, ); .. note:: If you are using composor, don't forget to add the following entry to the PSR-4 section: `"GeorgRinger\\AddressField\\": "web/typo3conf/ext/address_field/Classes",` and use `composer dump-autoload`. Make the field available in backend ----------------------------------- Create the following files Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tt_address.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: php [ 'label' => 'A quote', 'config' => [ 'default' => '', 'type' => 'text', ] ] ]; \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addTCAcolumns('tt_address', $columns); \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addToAllTCAtypes('tt_address', 'quote', '', 'after:description'); // use next line to add it to an existing palette // \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addFieldsToPalette('tt_address', 'name', 'quote'); .. important:: Don't forget to clear the caches (preferred in Install Tool) to make the field available in backend. The field should appear after the field *Description*. Configuration of EXT:extender ----------------------------- Create the following files Classes/Extending/Domain/Model/Address.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The extension "extender" merges with the one of `tt_address`. Be aware that it is only possible to extend the model by new properties and methods but not to change existing ones! .. code-block:: php quote; } /** * @param string $quote */ public function setQuote($quote) { $this->quote = $quote; } } ext_localconf.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: php