.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _users-manual-maps: Rendering records with a map ============================ Since version *4.2.0* the extension is capable of rendering records on a map. The following variants are included by default: - Leaflet - Google Maps - Static Google Maps Providing coordinates in records -------------------------------- If a record should be rendered on a map the record must contain coordinates in format of latitude and longitude. The coordinates can either be provided manually or by using the wizard in the backend. .. image:: ../../Images/record_coordinate-wizard.png Mass geocoding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By using a provided command it is possible to set coordinates to all records. A requirement for this is a **valid Google Maps key**. Read all about it at https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/intro The command is called by cli with the following line .. code-block:: bash ./typo3cms ttaddress:geocode Frontend integration -------------------- To output the records, 2 important configurations need to be set in the plugin. **First**, the setting *Ignore records with no latitude/longitude* must be set. Otherwise records with no coordinates would be rendered in the frontend **Second**, the setting *Select display mode* in the 2nd tab *Display* must be changed to `map`. Which map type is used is defined with TypoScript: :typoscript:`plugin.tx_ttaddress.settings.map.rendering = googleMaps`. Available options are: leaflet (default), googleMaps or staticGoogleMaps. For each render type, a custom fluid section is available in the partial `Partials/Maps.html`.