.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _quickConfiguration: =================== Quick configuration =================== Include TypoScript template =========================== It is necessary to include at least the basic TypoScript provided by this extension. Go module :guilabel:`Web > Template` and chose your root page. It should already contain a TypoScript template record. Switch to view :guilabel:`Info/Modify` and click on :guilabel:`Edit the whole template record`. .. include:: /Images/AutomaticScreenshots/NewsIncludeTypoScript.rst.txt Switch to tab :guilabel:`Includes` and add the following templates from the list to the right: :guilabel:`News (news)`. It is possible to include additional templates provided by the news extension depending on your use case. For example you can additionally chose :guilabel:`News Styles Twitter Bootstrap V5 (news)` to use templates for the css framework Bootstrap in version 5. Read more about possible configurations via TypoScript in the :ref:`Reference ` section. Further reading =============== * :ref:`Global extension configuration ` * :ref:`TypoScript `, mainly configuration for the frontend * :ref:`TsConfig `, configuration for the backend * :ref:`Routing ` for human readable URLs * :ref:`Templating ` customize the templates